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shaneystar2 | 00:52 Sun 15th Feb 2015 | Internet
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Does anyone know if PayPal is down ?
I've ordered things on line today from two different sources and I usually get an email straight away to confirm my purchase but I've had nothing .
The transactions went through according to my account .


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No laundrettes here in my town. When I first came here some of the women did wash their clothes in the river and dry them on bushes, I was amazed. But now the river has dried up but looks real as the council have installed a pump and it churns the old water, so very pictureskew.

I just hate the click when one of the switches snaps down, frits me summat orful! I think it is all going to burst into flame!
bleagh, streaming nose, sneezing all the time. It'll probably be gone by tomorrow but we'll see, as we are due lunch with jno jnr and Lucy. Cruised from Magna Carta to Windsor and back today with hours for lunch so I have probably infected the entire royal family.
There is obviously a virus going round this thread! I've been expecting this lurgy for 2 months, still hasn't arrived!!
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We must pass it around and back again.I certainly don't want any lurgy like that last one .
BONG BING Jno .Lucy is on next Tuesday on a horse .
She'll be wagging her finger and cracking the whip .
goodness, I hope she will be wearing a farthingale.
This is an absolute stinker I've got, it keeps building up until I feel like I'm suffocating.
It wasn't as nice as yesterday, much breezier and it kept going cloudy. Apart from the washing I've done booger all.
No sorry, someone else can have my share of lurgy, i am all lurgied out.
ooo thanks shaney, going to video that.
Bordid...37°C. That's me, not the weather, so at least that much is normal. Had about 4hrs sleep I think, looking at the clock and seeing a few hrs have passed instead of a few minutes is a real luxury. dark and raining outside, tut.
Good day all. Leccy went bang today while we were out, washing has finished. Tomorrow Mr N is going to scout round the electrics to see what is causing it, at least I got one load done. Then it rained. Left cat in, and she vomited 2x on new carpet ! and did a little poo in the kitchen by the bin, my fault for not leaving a litter tray but she hasn't used one for a month and I hate them, that'll teach me. Laptop is so slow and loads of ads popping up, he changed it to Eng so have to keep changing it back to Esp or else the keyboard chRcters do not match!
Poor Robi, how awful for you. Just hope I don't get it.
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Hello all
It's been raining all the morning but brightening up a bit now .I think the last couple of days were the last gasp of the summer we never had.
Looks like more of the same for the week ahead.
Nothing doing here .Hope you soon feel better Robinia.Take it easy.
Yes it's brighter here too.
This cold isn't the end of the world but it's bad enough to stop me doing anything much and I've got lots to do, the days are rapidly becoming shorter, along with my temper. Don't want to push it, I don't want to get as ill as poor Jude has been. (Hope you're ok Jude)

The good news is I've found a lazy booger lamb hotpot so hopefully I won't lose my appetite before it's cooked. I'm not dinging it, it's in the oven.

Did I tell you Ozzy's coming at the end of the month? Same as before, Belgium first for some expo thingy and then England for a week. His stepdaughter's coming too, she'll be visiting her dad. They aren't staying with me this time.
nose has stopped streaming, it's just blogged up not, as I was able to get out to lunch with the family. Tomorrow I should start coughing so I'd better get some sort of syrup (not that any of them has ever worked).
That's great news Robi, that'll cheer you up!
Just watching The proms, especially to see Jonas Kaufmann, what a voice, what a face, what a man, the whole package. OK so I could be his mum, he's just lovely.
Oh OK then, I guess you are all out dancing and carousing, I shall stay here in the rain!!
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My dancing and carousing days are unfortunately over Neti .
I've been watching a new nordic noir series on BBC4,Martin Beck.Very good.
I like a Swedish krimi.
Hope you enjoyed your hot pot Robinia .Feed a cold and starve a fever. We had a nice hot dinner today,braised steak etc.
That's great that Ozzy is coming to visit ,something to look forward to .
Night all.
no, I'm just sitting here sniffling, neti. It'll be useful to have Ozzy around, Robinia, he'll be able to get computers working, mow the lawn, fix the fence... at least that's how jno jnr earns his supper when he's here. He installed Whatsapp onto OH's mobile today - needless to say I'd never even heard of it so wasn't able to contibute at all.
Good morning all.

Robi I hope you are feeling better today.
jno, you have never heard of WhatsApp??? I find that incredible in this day and age. I keep touch with all and sundry with it (well not my sisters, they are luddites!)

Much cooler 23º at the moment so very nice.

Hope you are all fine and jude is getting over her night out.

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