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shaneystar2 | 00:52 Sun 15th Feb 2015 | Internet
884 Answers
Does anyone know if PayPal is down ?
I've ordered things on line today from two different sources and I usually get an email straight away to confirm my purchase but I've had nothing .
The transactions went through according to my account .


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Morning all
Dull here too but not as chilly .The sun has been winking but can't make it's mind up.Hope you're all ok.
I wish Neti .We don't get anything free apart from our bus passes.
She wasn't in it last night Robinia.She cleared off to Spain at the end of the last series.
I have to trudge to the bank .All these years of banking with First Direct they now seem to want proof of my identity.So I'll have to go to HSBC and hopefully they'll sign my scanned documets.What a faff.
good morning all. Stodge diet seems to be working which is nice. I slept better too. My sis pays a fortune for her glasses for the same reason. I am not allowed to drive without my glasses but don't need them for anything else so stuff like antiglare in very necessary for my clear ones. I've also got heavily tinted ones for bright days. Its very bright again here today. My plan for today is to shampoo the rug in the living room.
Shaney we've all had to present our passports etc to the banks too, ive been with mine since 1973, before half the little jobsworths were born!! Its not as if I havevenough money to launder!!
Absolutely storming here, main road flooded.
oh just glare at them shaney and say 'Don't you know who I am?'
You can't say that Robi, they'll think she got Alzheimer's.
oh no, have I got to stop using that line now?
good news about the stodge, woofgang. Whenever my insides are upset I have to start eating chips with vinegar and Worcester sauce. Obviously I would never touch such foul stuff if my stomach wasn't ordering me to; but it seems to work.
Huge storm just finished. Leccy keeps banging off, we have no idea what is causing it.
I'm *** sick and tired of being cold, haven't been able to get warm all day and I've had a sudden attack of the collywobbles now too. I think it's this travelling inflammation I've had this past week or more.
Depressed of Derby.
Hello again. What a dismal day. I thought we were in for some sunshine. I've been really cold today and would you believe my feet were so cold last night in bed I had to use my how water bottle. That's my moan for today. Had a great night at the Sunday night concert at Darley Park. I thought I was going to have to walk a bit and was a bit worried but Fuschias son took us there and came and fetched us home. Was I pleased about that. I was really tired and slept almost all day Monday. My next goal is to get to see Tommy Steel in a show about the life of Glen Miller next Saturday so I'll let you know if I make it.
Hope you're all B.O. like you do. A bit better than I can I hope.
Going to watch New Tricks tonight. I've really got into it.
see yer later x
BO Jude? I do my best to avoid it!
Glad you had a good time, and lucky you for seeing Tommy Steele, I've never seen him
Just made and eaten chick curry and veg curry, rice and papadoms, very nice. See, I can cope when its not hit.
Just been in pool, it was freezing but so nice, was warm all over when I came out.
pretty dull all day here but at least it was mild so I didn't need to leap into a freezing pool to warm up. I went to a Do but it was pretty boring and very noisy (lots of people plus low ceiling), so I came home, and, um, here I am.
didn't get the rug done but did some other pottering. And here I am.
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Here I am too.
The bank sorted out my identity and then just as I got half way home it pelted down .Nowhere to shelter and I looked like a drowned rat when I got indoors.Where's this indian summer they forecast.I've had my hot cushion on while I watched tv.
You sound a lot better Jude.
we had a hot sunny day here today but the night is cooling down nicely.
Good morning all. Am out early having a coffee, as had to deposit some money for my new phone into hija's bank.
Really lovely day, sun's out, and the rain has stopped.
Dont have air con on at night now, just a ceiling fan, and it is quite cool, such a relief, will beceanting my winter fuel allowance at this rate !!
still looking for my Indian summer - has anyone seen it?
Morning ....mostly dull and still chilly here. I think they meant Inuit summer.
cool and cloudy here, a lovely change.

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