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shaneystar2 | 00:52 Sun 15th Feb 2015 | Internet
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Does anyone know if PayPal is down ?
I've ordered things on line today from two different sources and I usually get an email straight away to confirm my purchase but I've had nothing .
The transactions went through according to my account .


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now that's clever, shaney. But what did he say he was putting in the bag with the banana? Was it rice? I couldn't hear.

We went to a stately home this afternoon after reading on its website that it welcomed photographers. Well, what a barefaced lie. Camras were banned inside except in the coal cellar. I shall write them a stiff email tomorrow. After that we dropped in on sis unannounced ut like good troupers they got out the gin bottle at once and made us welcome. (I only had a very slight G&T as I was driving.) So that was a fairly successful sunny day. I expect there will be another one along in March.
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It got out quite nice here after all so I did a bit of snipping and fiddling about in the garden.Not over hot but nice in the sun .
Watched Lady Chatterley ,quite good .An Inspector Calls is on next Sunday.
That's not on Jno .Giving out false info .Tell 'em off .I expect that's because they want to sell you a glossy brochure at an inflated price.

I think he puts rice in the bag .I couldn't quite catch it either but it looked like rice to me .It draws the moisture out of stuff.I always keep a few grains of rice in my salt cellars dontcha know :)
Night all.
wow i have to try looks like its faked!

am struggling with a resentful stomach dosed and its settling so bed now, oight oight all
Good moaning, allo allo!
Yes he lets the banana sit in a Ziploc bag with rice for an hour before using the hairdryer on medium.
Mr N has gone to mot cents with my car, fingers crossed.
Hope you are feeling better woofy.
MOT centre!
Morning all...sunny at the moment. I'm sticking with accu this week, they're more optimistic. It was really lovely here yesterday afternoon, very warm in the sun, the ole aches wouldn't allow anything dynamic so I just sat...and sat. It works better than 600mg.
I wasn't impressed with Lady C, it seemed to be lacking chemistry.

That was a shame jno but I hope you got some award winning pics of the cellar.

I like my 'nanas speckly, they're at their sweetest and easiest to digest (so they say). The cynic in me made me investigate the blow drying trick. Seems it'll only work if they've been kept in the fridge (I don't) which keeps the flesh fresher longer but blackens the skin. Just aim the hairdryer down your vest instead, nice and warm. :)

Neti it sounds to me like you should be driving dodgem cars.
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Morning all
Foggy and drizzly here. Hope it lifts as I have to trudge to the hairdresser later.
Looks as if we're going to get some nicer days soon though .
Someone sent me the banana man in an email.Bit of a faff for one banana.You'd be there all day if you had a bowl full.I haven't tried it although I did make the banana pancakes that are the latest craze ,they were nice with golden syrup.
Better go and arrange my face.

Hello all,
Car passed its mot even though we have to get a new front tyre. Not so sweaty today which makes it all very pleasant.
Have made a cornbeef and pot lasagne, it like potatoes dauphinoise (!) But I with c.ornbeef, peppers and onions
It's warmed up a little, there isn't that bite in the wind for now. My garden's full of tiny frogs which fascinated Moondust, he came with Tarquin 'in daddy's yellow car' today (nice when you have a selection). The colour's all important you know :) and he wanted to drive home. His favourite food is mashed potato, he asks for it with his dinner every day. That's my boy!
Its very warm here and heavy again with it. Didn't sleep much at all last night, I was prey to thoughts and memories, no idea why. I must try that banana pancake recipe I keep forgetting. We are having blueberry pancakes for tea. stomach is being resentful still so I have decided to try a few days on stodge and junk.
picked up some new glasses for computer work this morning... I've been making do with a par from Poundland but they weren't quite right so I now have some from Seventypoundland instead and they seem fine. And that seems to be that.
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That's not a bad price for your specs Jno .I won't tell you what my last pair cost,you'd need to sit down from the shock ,I did :)
Funny old weather .Went out and it was cold ,on the way back it was roasting in the sun and now it's looking as black as your hat out there .
Moondust sounds a real sweetie Robinia .Good taste there with the mash.
Have you got him on sdns yet
Yep ,stodge days for you Woofy .It usually sorts it out for me .
I like stodge :)
I got the cheapest frames, shaney, the rest was for glareproofing, which may be every bit as useful as they said or may not. But the specs are okay, so no complaints.
It sounds like moondust is growing up fast Robi. Jno I have got antiglare on my driving glasses and I reckon its well worth it.
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I have to divvy up for specs because I'm so short sighted , have astigmatism and have worn glasses since I was about six,those awful NHS ones back then and my eyesight has slowly got steadily worse as I've grown older. The prescription is very complicated and I have the lenses thinned,then varifocal and anti glare,then the frames and it all racks up,either that or I'd be wearing milk bottle bottoms and carrying a huge magnifying glass as back up.I didn't get much change from four hundred quid for my last pair.
I did try several on line places to see if I could get cheaper but they won't touch it. I don't mind paying though,eyesight is precious.
Watched Doc Martin .He's grumpier than ever.
Night all.
I'm not sure if I need it when I'm just looking at a PC screen, but it can't hurt.

Looks like we've got a modest Indian summer weekend coming up; nothing great but perhaps I can take my socks off at night.
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You do get glare off a computer screen Jno and anti glare does help .
This time of year as the sun gets low in the sky it's good too. Mind you I still wear sunglasses if I'm in the garden in the summer and reading .Not that I've done much of that this year.Prescription ones of course that cost more dosh!
Yes, Accu say some nice days ahead.I can live with that after all this damp and rain.On the news one of the papers was blaring out headlines that it'll hit 80F but it was the Daily Mail :)

Morning all.
I make do with specs from Poundland, have the whole range of magnification. The way I treat glasses this works out the best price! Don't you get free ones shaney for being a pensioner, we don't here, and now IDS (sounds like a disease and he is to me!) Has cancelled our winter fuel payment, he doesn't think it gets cold here, it jolly well does. I wear onesies with sweaterscand bootie slippers.
Woofy thoughts and memories are real sleep detergents.
Still no laptop.
Oh says 20¤, but the sun is peeping through now so it'll warm up.
Morning...a dull one it is too. I had a sleep detergent, (lol neti), any hope of it after 4am was completely washed away.

Probably time I had some new specs, I only wear them for distance & tv but I think my eyes have changed recently. They're very sore and achey I know that much. I don't want anti glare though, I like glaring at people :) My sister pays a small fortune for hers, she needs specs to find her specs.

Yes woofy, Moondust's quite a little boy now, he never stops chatting but I could do with a toddler phrase book. He likes to give a running commentary about everything, I think the way they learn language is a miracle, I wish I had a memory as good as that.

I watched Doc Martin, that drippy teacher wasn't in it...or was she? I did drift off a couple of times.

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