Does anyone know if PayPal is down ?
I've ordered things on line today from two different sources and I usually get an email straight away to confirm my purchase but I've had nothing .
The transactions went through according to my account .
Morning...well it's day 245 of the year and probably cool morning number 242 in Derbys. Yesterday was showery and (to me) cold. Like jno I ached to the bone. More of the same to come, I think the heating's going to be on before long.
We had a short power cut at teatime.
Morning all
Cool here too ,real feel 11C but at least it's bright .How long it will stay bright is to be left .Showers forecast .To peg or not to peg that is the question .
the heating has been on here for several days. It felt damp when we returned from our travels, so we turned it on and haven't got round to turning it off again.... next May perhaps.
The rain turned into a storm, even a tornado in one part of the island, and it has just finished, Mr N was home as he couldn't do anything outside, lightning flashing and thunder rolling, so I have eaten and eaten and eaten! TV went off so I was just so bored. Didn't do any housework and now I cba!
bust potter today, did some cleaning, went out to pay my paper bill, started sorting out the shed ready for when the nights get chillier and the tortoises need it. Tomorrow I do my tax return :(
oh dear, Shaney, I'd be upset. Yoghurt for you until Tesco's pay enugh compensation for you to resume eating in the manner to which you have become accustomed.
All I need .I suppose I'd better go and see about it tomorrow and call in at the bank on the way and take out a second mortgage .Then I'll get the bus to Tesco and hurl the pork pie through their window :)
Hammering down here ,hailstones coming down the chimbley .
I am off to see the mexico about cramp, as Crampex tablets seem to have vanished from the market, though Amazon had a packet of 24 going for £90 the other day. I could skype the consultation if anyone's interested...
Morning all
Dull and drizzly.Same old .
Good job I like porridge for breakfast or I would starve.
Cut out the middle man and went straight to the dental technician who can repair the teeth .Costo mucho but I can go and get them later.
Good luck at the mexico Jno .I'll skype you about my teeth and you can tell me about your cramp .Between us it should be a riveting convo.I promise I won't smile .If I do you can shout "Mind the gap " :)
Hope you're all ok .
JNo, if he says anything useful then please pass it on, I get cramp in various muscles, not just legs. I associate it with hormones which I still seem to have which is quite annoying at my age.