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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 12:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2567 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
23:01 Fri 31st Mar 2017
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oh burger, the lawn's under water but there's none in my taps. The Thames Water phonebots detected my postcode without being prompted and announced that they're looking into it.
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got our water back. Met a water man in the street, very apologetic, we should have been given 48 hours' notice. Sure, sure.
you are in my diary Neti. Hope everyone is well. Yes they did that turning off with no warning here as well. most annoying. Its blooming cold here and my knees don't like it.

Just a quick glimpse of us. That's my sis chatting away with Ronnie
Gosh its cold
Sadly sister is loosing het memory and faculties! She wont have the heating on until 8pm
She unplugs absolutely everything and when I pop to the loo she turn the lights and tv off. I walk around jou in the dark but don't know this one keep crashing into things. It's all very sad
.she's worried.about rhe electric bill and shes a millionaires! She's on calming pills and is so different. No food anywhere so I buy bits eveyday and she gets upset . Cant wait to get home next Sunday. Older sis is so worried about her.
That's so sad Neti but what a lovely photo. its blooming cold here again today but I have managed to push on with the clearing and tidying which is good. My shower tray is flexing and pulling away from the wall again so I am going to get the man who did my kitchen tap to come in and have a look. He's not cheap but he does good work and can usually come fairly soon. Hope Jno, Shaney and Wolf are ok.
Are your Gmails sending yet? ;)
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almost always, LadyCG. They were jittery for a while but apparently it was because of a printer problem (even though I wasn't printing anything, which is crazy).
It was ‐1° and then went up to 4°! Sis ànd I walked on the pier and went round charity shops and I got a suitcase for £4. Not bad! We ate lunch at wetherspoons which is good value. Was glad to get home . Sis seems better today and we could discuss memories!
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that's good news, neti. It's when you find yourself having the same conversation six times it gets frustrating.
Well finally. Ack home in Ibiza. Nightmare flights. Securiey took so long checking us all that we had no time to eat!
First one to Barcelona was delayed an hour due to late passengers
Which made it excessively tight to get Ibiza plane as i had to go out of terminal through security and passport control again. I was told at check in that I probably wouldn't grt it so why couldn't they hold it for me?
I had heavy-handed baggage and ran as fast as I'm could. I was effing and blinding and barging past slow moving people. I got there with 5 mins to spare
I thought I would have a heart attack! But made it
That was 10 hrs travelling which is why I don't leave the island in the winter as no direct flights!
Shockingly cold here today
I'm doing loads of washing and housework! So am warm!
And the Gatwick Hotel we had booked was disgusting
Closed in covid and opened a month ago. Filthy and no light in the tiny en suite but a heavy anglepoise lamp in the door way with flwz trailing across the floor
So hot and they didnt know how to turn it down
No restaurant or bar as advertised !
So we crossed the road to another small hotel.for dinner and it was lovely So I booked in there.
So clean and cosy
Hija slept in dietymkne as she doesn't like sleeping with anyone and we had paid for it!
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dietymkne? Isn't that in Ukraine?
*dirty one* room. That is
" was a sunny day not a cloud was in the sky !"
Finally got some washing out and met a friend for coffee
Still jolly frio!

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