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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
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my 90,000th post! What a shame it's the middle of the night and I have nothing to say!
Juat watched the carnival and it was very good. At teh end it all went quiet and the Ukrainian residents all marched slowly with the sound of air raid sirens and flags. Men were crying as was I. The whole village clapped them through the streets.
I was surprised that out of the crowd only myself and a neighbour wore masks!
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I didn't realise you had Ukrainians there, neti. I suppose there must be some in London too, though I don't know any.
hello all, nothing happening here either. Jno I get funny smells when I get sinus trouble. Mine smells like someone has just lit a cigarette or occasionally like a pipe tobacco that DH used to use many years ago. At first I did almost wonder if I was being haunted, but if I keep my sinuses clear the smells go away.
Hello woofy.
Jno I didn't know either that we had Ukrainians here except that the Ukrainian priest and his wife live diagonally from me. Have never spoken as have never actually met them apart from the other day when he thanked me for clapping at his flag!
Hello all
Those statues are really lifelike Jno.Hope you and OH are well and coping.Hope that you Woofy,sis and woofer are ticketyboo and you and family too Neti.
I loved carnival in Germany and we were allowed to wear fancy hats at work and drink beer behind the cash desk. Those were the days. I doubt it would be allowed now !
I remember a raucous night in a bar in Düsseldorf when the women pinned a waiter down and cut off his tie on Altweiberfastnacht.
I'll probably get some pics via Whatsapp.
Otherwise, same old on different days but I'm very thankful for what we have when I see these dreadful things happening in Ukraine.
Heartbreaking to see women and children having to flee for their lives. Frightening for the whole world really and all for one small man's huge ego.I hope this thug gets his just reward one day. Preferably a bullet shaped one.
KBO folks and sleep tight.

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hello all, all fine here but so busy. Torts are finally eating reliably and I have had a helpful chat with Rab's vet this morning about hiking his pain relief meds. its not at all surprising as he is getting older and creakier, just glad to hear it can be done without risking his general basically I am just sitting around waiting for the next problem to strike!! I hope you are all well and your loved ones too.
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ah, rethinking pain relief meds, we do that a lot...

My word, it's a spam a minute round here these days. I forget what anthonymulla wanted us to by, CBD gummies or keto or something.
Hello happy band of biddies. Poor Rab I do hope he can be helped.
True shaney this is thr one war qhere I feel totally helpless and I want to do something like slap Putin! We are donating so that's something I suppose.
Had to take my fat red and blue and white tow to A&E last night as it was so hot and painful. Urgent blood tests today (5 tubes) and doctor on Monday so well skipping thw queue . As I'm diabetic they are sorting it, but to be honest I may well have dropped something on it and can't remember!
Raining here at last and washing away the dreadful pollen.
Oh dear new phone can't type either. Its really not my fault!
Were we being got at jno with those "answers removed"?
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a spammer not a troll, neti. I got Ed22 to take him outside and shoot him as an example to other spammers.
Excellent jno. I shall come out of hiding. Can you the same with Putin??
good evening, I hope you are all well. Good chat with vet and increasing Rab's paracetamol has helped loads. I can also safely increase it further if its needed. but I have seen a difference after just one day which is brilliant. It is sooo blooming cold here goodness knows what my heating bill will look like. Stay warm all.
Hi woofy oh that's good for Rab. Well done.
Yes dark wet and cold today just when we walked to village to try a new hamburger joint. £15 for a hamburger ( I had pulled pork as I'm don't eat ham or beef burgers.) We can get a 3 course lunch with wine for that here, but hija wanted to try it. The heavens opened as we came home and my uggs were terribly slippery so I hung onto Mr N. We both ached by the time we got home! We have just played a family game of Cluedo and I won a game. Wow. Haven't played since 1973 and I hadn't a clue! Love family evenings!
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neti, I've seen a FB post by a friend of a friend of a friend who's just booked a room in Kiev with AirBnB. She's got in touch with them to say she isn't going to turn up but she hopes they can use the money. They were apparently very grateful becuse they're currently taking in refugees for free. The woman said she first made sure the place was owned by a person rather than a company, and booked the room for as soon as possible so they'd get the money quickly.
Morning all
That's a very kind gesture Jno. It's horrific and very upsetting.Not much we can do in practical terms but we have donated and signed the waive the visa petition.
Whodunnit then Neti ? Was it you ,by the pool with the frying pan :)
Nice bright morning here. Hope you're all Ok.

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