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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
Yes I agree it's dreadful. I so want to slap Putin!
No shaney twas I in the bed with the sweeties!! Bloods really good considering I had no warning so didn't lay off sweets or anything. Kidney function 31% and was 27% and high uric acid. No more meat (or food come to that!!) But feel fine. I just feel grateful that I wake up every day in a safe and comfortable country!!
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well, the men have been over to look at our garden drainage, wot they installed in 2010, and say a couple of the pipes seem to have sunk in the middle, meaning they're no longer working properly. We will probably have to renew and upgrade them, as I'm sick of raking moss off the lawn and finding dinosaurs romping in the swamp at the end of the garden.

Monday we hope another man will make a start on creating a new fence to replace the one that blew over in one of the storms. After that I might have to start thinking about the damp on inside walls. Ah, property ownership is wonderful.
I feel your pain jno. Our soakaway doesnt and so washing machine water is making land and access path extremely wet . Thr Lane is too narrow for the sewage lorry to get up as last time we could use the land at the back. We are waiting for permission to join up to the sewer. I'm trying to limit my water usage!
Feel very tired and dizzy so am now in bed.
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oh bum... wot I fell on when I went outside and slipped with my nogrip backdoor shoes on the paving stones, because it had been drizzling. A bit sore and think I may have twisted my knee a little.
hello all. Oh dear Jno, you shouldn't be allowed out alone. We are having a period of blissful nothing here. Tortoises are fine and eating, heating is off, I won't have to sell a limb to pay for the winter energy bill and Rab is having a run of good days....I had better go and touch some wood....I hope you all get a run of good days too.
Oh dear jno hope you are OK!
Glad life is peaceful for you at the moment woofy.
Shaney hooe you are OK!
April showers here which haven't helped our soggy land but OK otherwise.
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ah me, had to dial 999 for OH again today - apparently going gaga and finally collapsed in the bathroom. Fortunately I was able to ask a doctor friend to come round and help me out - she was fabulous. The ambulance people thought it was a gastrointestinal infection, unrelated to cancer or chemo, which sounds like good news. I remember now UTIs produce some symptoms that look like dementia, so perhaps it was one of those - just lying there whimpering for hours unable to say more than two words before looking vacant. In a lot of pain and with constant diarrhoea, but I suspect the real problem is eating and drinking almost nothing, so the system doesn't get flushed out.
Oh my goodness that must have been frughtening. If its any comfort, a mate of mine in Dorset has just had something similar. Her family got her carted off to hospital she was so ill, but it turned out to be a gastrointestinal virus thing and dehydration, shecwas home the same day and much better once she could keep down fluids. Apparently th3 first anti sickness thing they gave her didn't agree with her and didn't help but the second one worked really well. She is in her 60's but otherwise fit, it was shocking how ill she was according to her daughter.

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sounds very similar, woofgang - they'd already prescribed antinausea pills but it doesn't look as if they were working. Also an alternative to Creon that proved very upsetting. It's all a matter of trial and error, I suppose, but hopefully they can get it right. Better to be there and looked at than to try to explain it all over the phone.
Good morning. Oh dear jno you are not enjoying life at the moment are you? I do hope OH will be OK and is on the road to recovery
I drwad anything happening here as I have no idea how to call an ambulance and no knows where we live and how to get here. Last time Mr N collapsed at 2am I ran to the police station as it was quicker. He had been ill and hadn't eaten anything!!
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this is looking bad. I may be away for a while.
Take care jno and love to OH and please recover!
Sorry to hear this Jno and I hope your OH will be alright.Hope it's a speedy recovery.
Take care both of you.
Hope the rest of you are OK. Nothing to report apart from having had two teeth out on Friday. Ugh. Back for more remedial work in a couple of weeks. They're certainly doing extraction work on my bank account !
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wearying day with jno jnr, OH completely out of it, didn't recognise either of us, or baby O who came to say hello (she didn't recognise OH either); and just babbled. Jno jnr terribly cut up about it but very brave.

Trying again tomorrow, perhaps the antibios will have started to push the infection back, but it seems the cancer has chosen this moment to get aggressive. I can't see this ending well.
Oh Jno....don't give up hope. Thinking of you all .Things might look better tomorrow.Get some rest if you can xxx
Just seen this Jno I am praying for you both
pooped in to add to the heap of good wishes
Praying for your OH and you jno.
Just heard thst one if my nephew's son's is transitioning. I wish her all the luck in the world and cant wait to get my hands on her and dress her!!!
my very best wishes to your new niece Neti.
Jno still thinking and praying.
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well, worse, from sort of demented one day to near catatonic the next, responding only to pain (fortunately the palliative division are very quick with their morphine). This is harrowing.

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