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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
Hello all
Nice to see you wolf.
I've had visitors since Monday. The Pickies have a weeks hols so thought they would come to the seaside :) I've been chauffeured to Lidl,Morrisons and Wilko and we've been along the front for a nice stroll and fish and chips They did a few odd jobs for us. Smoke alarm batteries,grass cut and patio washed. Have won and lost money playing cards and they finally went home about an hour ago.First time we've seen them since they went down with covid before Christmas.
Sorry to hear all your woes on top of woe Jno.Take it easy.
Hope you feel better Neti and yes I did. It was very good.
There's always something falling to bits Woofy.Well,there is here. A wheel broke off my computer chair the other day.Good job we had a spare or I would have been on the wonk more than I usually am. Hope your woofer is ok .
KBO folks and night all.
"On the wonk" haha I love that! Glad you have finally seen the pickies and enjoyed their visit. Its nice when people help get things done. Doesn't happen here with hija as it's me who does all the fiddly bits anyway. Do the pickies live near you?
Haha Neti. They live just over 20 miles away in Norwich.
As they went out of the door last night he shouted out that he's going to put us on Tripadvisor .He's a cheeky so and so.
Another lovely day here.The dentist beckons later this afternoon.Deep joy.Hope you're all OK.
Shaney hope dentist went OK. Ugh shudders!
Mr N is working so I'm supposed to do the shopping but they are building a house at the end of the big lane and I can't out if my little lane as its blocked by huge lorry thenotger way out is a sharp u turn and because others park there I can't do it! So just staying in and hopefully we can go to Dan an tomorrow to kick and the other waitrose/Iceland shop. I live in hope!
Had a good day. Went to Lidl and Waitrose but not a lot there. I do muss Tesco! But git some treats! Lunched at BK as that was my choice . Then home all pit out by the damned hour change! Leaving my clock as its too hard to change.
Watching"Belfast" don't ask how or why! Great film.
Hope you have all had a good day !
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jno jnr turned up yesterday and took everyone out for an Italian lunch, his family and Essex sis included, really lovely. And after four days my insides seem to be calming down, touch wood. They did like the penne.
Oh deary me! I've been reading my posts and they are like something out if 'ello 'ello. Good moaning.
I've decided I dont make typos I do googlewacks!
'Ello all
Don't worry Neti, we can understand what you're on about.
I can talk without lisping now my teeth are fixed .The tooth fairy wasn't much help with the cost though.They should have a stiff drink handy for when they present the bill:)
That was nice of jno jnr to do that Jno. Glad you're feeling better.
Lovely day here now after a dull start but I see that it's going to turn cold again and there could be snow.
Hope you're all well.
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is it just me, or does putting crude oil in a colander seem like not a very good idea?

Dear Confidant

I am brayan Collet an attorney to my client (Name withheld for now)who a commission of $12.6 million monthly due to as a broker for the sale of 2 million barrel of crude oil for 12 colander month .Unfortunately My Client became incapacitated and unable to finalize the project. I am using this medium to ask you to front as a partner to enable minpet and sasol pay the said funds into your account monthly.

I shall forward you details and all documents you need to be able to actualize this payment once am sure you are ready and capable to handle such transaction, its been three months now that communication between minpet, sasol, silvio and me broke down in view of making payments for the first successful shipment of the approved allocation.

Please contact me as soon as possible
am glad your stomach is settling get all the interesting spam mine is really dull.
I have got the dentist coming up in a couple of weeks, only the hygienist but I hate it.
Had one of those days yesterday. Started off with a migraine then once that was over, Rab managed to make hs bad shoulder bad agan and spent the evening and night trying to walk around on three bad legs. I gave him massive doses of painkiller and got him out on the garden to go to the loo and then finally he settled to sleep around 2am. He's much better today but still not right, last time it took 5 days for him to heal again so patience is called for and loads of sitting around so that he will settle down and not feel the need to follow me around the house.
Lovely to hear about your visitors, sis arrives on sunday to stay for easter. Neti do you get eggs in the shops?
Woofy poor Rab and poor you. Hope both of you are better today!
Yes Easter Eggs in supermarkets but Spanish ones arent like UK ones an UK ones are very expensive! And one has to be quick as they ate only on sake for a week.
Wl jith alm that delicious money going into your account you can treat all the biddies to Choccy eggs! I only ever get dating requests and the occasional viagra onejust had nails done in a beige glitter well why not? There's a dark ominous cloud on the horizon!! Again!!
I hope he doesn't wash his veg in his colander after poring crude oil through it
I had a very dodgy one a while back,one of those sextortion emails demanding a Bitcoin ransom. I did report it to the Cyber Crime Government thingy ( though whether they actually do anything is to be left) as it was very nasty and I was advised to change my email password which I did but then the email account went haywire and I couldn't get into it. It took me ages and advice from a child to get it working again. I also had my Netflix account hacked and that was another nightmare I had to sort out.
Sorry to hear your woofer is unwell Woofy. I hope he soon feels better.Poor old lad.
Dull and cold here today. Hope you're all ok.
Good moaning. I Will type this only once!
Hija is 36 today, where has the time gone? It was only a 26min birth!nt moan about that!
Disgusting brown rain last night so everything outside is filthy! Going on a bit too long this year!
Hopw everyone is healthy and Rab too!
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for heaven's sake, it's sleeting away out there. Anyone would think I lived in Siberia, though it's only 8 degrees, not that cold. I'm not sure whether to blame Brexit, Covid or Putin.

I know the feeling, neti, I will soon have a 40yo son. I don't know where he came from, but he's jolly useful in explaining the modern world
Ha! jno I fed my child but I'm the one who knows all the techy stuff!
I have tummy trouble again so popped another imodium. Is this how my life is going to be from now on??
Hope you are OK jno.
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well, coping, but our home visit osteo is dropping by in the morning to prod some life back into me with his magic hands. The funeral's not till the week after next so I'm trying to organise that while filling out Tell Us Once forms, finding pension details and starting to throw out OH's expiring food from the fridge.
Hello all
Very cold here. Yesterday was grim.
We had a bit of everything,snow,sleet,rain,sun and gales of wind and it went down to -6C overnight.
There's always so much to sort out Jno. Waiting for the funeral is bad enough.You might feel a bit better once your back is sorted.
May just be something you ate Neti but could be a touch of IBS.Keep an eye on things. My stomach has been on an even keel lately,touch wood.
Waves to Woofy.Take care all.
afternoon all. Jno all you can do is keep going. It snowed here too yesterday and its blooming freezing. Rab is having up days and down days but overall he is getting better which is a relief. Because he is an idiot it means that he is thinking that doing fun stuff is now possible agan which means he does stupid stuff which sets his healing back. The latest fun here is that the floor of one of my sheds is completely rotten and will need replacing, also probably higher bearers installing to keep it out of the wet.....started to clear it ready to get the work done....thought I will just check the other shed, whch has stood for years and been fine, before I load stuff into it... and that had some mould too! I guess it was an extremely wet winter last year wth deeper standing water for longer. I will definitely be getting my aerobics and weight training in over the next week or two!
We didn't get the sahara rain this time Neti its horrible.
Glad the dentist went ok Shaney mine is hygienist the week after next, its a luxury activity these days.
KBO all
Lovely sunny day here but freezing. Had a couple of shandies and tapas at lunch time in thr sun makes a change! Mr N made wings and nachos and an apricot pie for dinner. Was nice .
How are you all keeping. Do hope Rab is more settled bless him.
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baby O came round to visit today. My word, she's smart at operating the washing machine, I was frantically chasing after her to switch if off every time, while Daddy snoozed

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