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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
Jno, teach her to use a hoover!
Hope you are all well. Nice shed man came today and will be sending me a quote. With luck I will still be able to eat. He advised spraying the floors with a weak bleach solution to kill off the mould so that is job the next after getting then shed idea where to put the stuff though!!
Hope you are all well. I am cold and knackered. KBO all
We always use neat bleach to clean off the mould. And we get a lot of the "blackspot' in this house. Have to do it today under windows.! Back to disgusting weather. Wind and rain. Should have done my laundry yesterday but I sort of thought the good weather would stay! It's hanging under the patio now!!
Well woofy thanks Tom you I've now bleached under my windows and then spotted black in a corner so have now bleach washed walls and kitchen outside wall and then wiped all the slatted shutters. Anything else need doing?? My hands are freezing!
Hello all
Dreary chilly day.Nothing much doing.
Little O is certainly keeping you busy Jno.Hope you're Ok.
Well done Neti and you Woofy.You both put me shame.
I've done b all household stuff lately. I did buy a Flash magic duster though and may flit about with tomorrow.It reaches the parts I can't reach :)
KBO and keep warm.Roll on summer.
Hello ladies,
I had to do a shift in Oxfam today and I am now tired. I am very tempted to go to bed and read. I will not be working again until Friday.

It is about 18 years since I was retired on health grounds (at the age of 40) and it surprises me that I managed to work full-time for all those years.

woof - I take it that Rab is a dog. I miss having a dog but I live in the city centre in a second-floor flat - it is not the ideal environment for a hound. I have been cat-free for over a year but I am not currently feeling broody.

I am to find something to read. Keep well, everybody.

Susan from Sunny Scotland (I wish!!)

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I've watched two of my Oxfam DVDs now, wolf. One even claimed to be a BluRay but it played in my non-BluRay player. Whoopee!
Jno, some of the prices for paperback are actually higher than they cost new. But for old books we have an excellent selection.

We got a big donation of mountaineering books, they will sell but they seem incredibly boring.

Vintage gardening books with no photos or illustrations - I like pictures.
Enjoy your DVDs.
Hello all. Another sh*tty day in paradise!
We are desperate for books to read. Too expensive to buy in newsagents and out charity shop doesn't have many UK ones. We have 100s to donate but no one wants them so we put the rubbish containers and tell local FB where they are someone can help themselves. Mr N asks in the places he works if he may borrow books! Gosh it's 9.28am and I'm still abed. Must get up!
Hope all biddies are keeping well!
Apparently are in the middle of a storm/depression called Ciril - nice one eh? Shoukd leave us by Thurs/Fri. Actually I love it!
....and I bought some detergent formil colours and I hate the smell.
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well, I have met the celebrant at last and he seems fine. And Sis caame round to help me empty out the fridge - she took a few things herself and we ditched the rest. That still leaves the cave of horrors that is the freezer, of course, but we'll come back to that.

And I'm feeling a bit snuffly and was coughing yesterday. Probably just a cold!
Good morning biddies. Yes the sun is shining, makes a change.
Poor jno. I thought I had covid the other night next day right as rain. Get well soon.
Waves to woofy, shaney and wolf
Jno why are you emptying the fridge? Surely you have to eat?
Ciril has gone yay! The "white island" is full of lines of washing dancing in the breeze. Oh rejoice!
Morning all
Nice and sunny here but blowing a gale. Not as cold as it was.
Hot toddies for you Jno! I hope it is just a cold and not the dreaded lurgy.
I use DriPak liquid soap flakes for coloured stuff ,Neti. No more faded black trousers etc and it has no smell at all.
Hope you're all OK otherwise . Same old here.
hello all. Nothing much going on here and its blowing a gale. Stay well all.
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OH had a lot of weird food experiments going on,neti, thanks to being told simultaneously "You're pre-diabetic - you must lose weight" and "This chemo will knock you out if you don't put on some weight." Jno jnr doesn't want any of it and neither do I.

I was particularly pleased to find the breaded chicken breast which has been stinking the fridge out since February.
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oh burger, after Sis came over to help out yesterday I find I have Covid. Mostly just the symptoms of an annoying cold and hopefully will be gone before the funeral but I will have to keep some distance from other attenders. Rats.
Oh no jno! You are not having a lot of luck are you. Hope you dont feel too unwell! Is there someone who can look after you? Get well soon x
Aww Xon Clusky of the Bachelors has died. I liked him. What a part of my youth he was.
Morning all. Lovely sunny weather but not too hot. Its tourist season and there's such a change in thr whole atmosphere.

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