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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
Well that shot off pretty quickly, I was going to correct spelling!!
Hope you are all OK. Not a good week for jno I guess!
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no, rather mournful, neti. Funeral (finally!) is tomorrow.
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow jno. Xx
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thank you, pat
We will all be thinking of you jno. Once it's over you can start to grieve. Our funerals here are usually within 24 hours due to the heat!
Thinking of you and your family today Jno.x
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ah, it's all over. It went very well as these things go - 20 or more ex-colleagues turned up, and lots of fellow garden club members too, all sorry to make their farewells but said they would never have dreamed of missing it, sad though it was. I've already had a month to get used to the hole in my life.

I tested negative this morning, but I still feel a bit crap, so I've been googling false negatives, and apparently it's not uncommon. I avoided kissing and hugging as far as I could and hopefully haven't damaged anyone's health.
I hope that you feel better soon, I have stayed covid free so far but I realise that I will probably get it at some stage.

I hope that the funeral was as 'pleasant' as it could have been. They can bring out the worst in families - or is it just my wider family that has fights at funerals and weddings?
Thinking of you Jno.
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we don't have a wider family. wolf, just jno jnr and wife and baby (absent in nursery today) and a sister who emigrated here to marry a few years back. Everyone got on smashingly, with no rogue uncles to rain on the parade.

Of course, if I turn out to have infected everyone with anything, my own funeral will be very sparsely attended indeed.
Did you feel ill at all jno. We've stayed covid free but I expect us all to get it eventually. My sister's are having a 2nd booster. We haven't been offered any such thing and of course covid is on the up here again. We also have some very pale people walking about scantily dressed and fat which means the tourists are here. I have to laugh as we locals are in jeans and anoraks and boots! I did plaster myself with night tan the other day but didn't go anywhere! It's also raining muddy rain so won't be wearing anything sunny! Just taken me a week to mop the patio clean and now its yukky again!!!
Oh and please notice I typed all that typo free! I used my dobbler!!
Hello all
Hope you're feeling better now Jno and that you were able to get through your sad day yesterday.
Two things to cheer you up. Baileys is 9.99 a litre in Morrisons.
Yesterday during a phone appt with a practice nurse (male) I was asked if I thought my symptoms could be menopausal.
He knocked 30 years off my age in one fell swoop.Haha.
After I put him right he then decided ,what I knew all along, was that my thyroid meds need increasing.
I use a dobber Neti otherwise I'd be typing stuff like....
Teh sick brown fix humped over teh hazy log.
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going for Sunday roast lamb at Sis's house tomorrow (I know, it was Sunday, but jno jnr and family could only make Saturday). I still feel a bit dozy and snotty but am Covid-negative. As jno jnr is driving I may even have a drink.
Well done jno yes and have a wee tipple. We've book a t touring of Spain holiday for May. Going to Cuenca tonsee the hanging houses!! Also any Primark that will be jn the vicinity and a Taco Bell. I dont ask for much! Hija is returning to look after feral cat and the house.
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just looked them up, neti, they look interesting. You're obviously out to get as far away from the sea as possible!

I look forward to travelling again, having been carer-in-residence for most of the last four years (OH would have loved to do the same but was close to immobile all that time), but it sounds as if it may be a bit of a hassle still.
My Sis says the same, she'd like to go travelling again, stopped by covid, but she says not yet.
No I don't think I'd bother going to another country yet . We are leaving ibiza on the world faster ferry The Elenor roosevelt to Denia. Then to albacete, Cuenca and Castelleon. Only 7 days
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lovely roast lamb lunch in the country, sunny day, G&Ts, baby O gurgling. She's close to walking but no sign of talking; I don't think she even says mama.

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