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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
This is what fell off the train in bits!
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oh dear, what caused that?
No idea jno and they aren't going to tell us!
Cuenca is so beautiful. But one day here is enough. Most delicious dinner. Carpaccio of duck! Lovely very old boutique hotelso quiet. Off to castellon. Found a Primark yesterday!
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it was like Ibiza yesterday, I went for a stroll in town in the morning and came home to lie in the sun. I expect that was summer. Now it's more like Iceland, cold and damp.
Evening all. I am back on the White isle. Have had a super time and the food was exquisite. My ankles have blown up to twice the size no idea why. Too many prawns? Glad to be back! Hope you are all ok. Hope Rab is better!
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another Ibizan day today, basking in the sun. Actually I was also waiting for phone calls from the GP and an art gallery, neither of which came. Why do they say "please leave a message" when they're not going to call back? Grrr.
hello from wobbley towers. Rab didn't enjoy the recent storms and had to pace which hasn't done his bad legs much good. We have had a few short days and long nights and I am battling continued indigestion. I know its stress related, I have had it before. That is the end of the news. Now here is the shipping forecast.
I hope you are all doing ok. Neti get to the mexico about your ankles.
Woofy am seeing Mexico on Monday about my stomach and will tell her re ankles although they went down next day.
Summer is here and I have actually been sunbathing. Poor Rab can you make him a tummy sling so he can pace without actually walking?
Hope all other biddiescare well. I had cowpox( vaccine related) as a child so hopefully immune to this monkey pox!
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lovely sunny Ibizan day, jno jnr has just been round, done some heavy lifting, taken us all out to lunch at the Italian and left because baby O was starting to fall asleep. She was beautifully behaved.
Well done Baby O. Yes summer has arrived and pool is up and running. Lovely weather as hot but not sweaty (yet). Just been told that my manky toe is infection from when I banged it and all this fungal treatment was useless. Have to see a private podolgist. I completely forgot to mention my fat ankles but they've gone down anyway
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oh For Funks Sake the man next door (who isn't living there) has got someone in to build him a conservatory, on the first floor, where it will overlook my patio and cut off my sun. It's completely illegal, he hasn't got a permit, I've told the council but they're too short staffed to do anything yet. It'll probably get built then they'll spend years trying to get it pulled down again.

Just what I need, more aggro in my life.
hello all. jno my previous neighbours did something didn't affect me but the poor so and so's who bought the house had to pull the extension down and rebuild it on account of building regs compliance AND apply for retrospective planning permission AND the gas system was condemned because they had used cowboy fitters. Wife had died and husband was in Russia so not even much that could be done.
Chugging along here. Glad you had a good time with baby O and that Neti's toe has been saved from dropping off.
I have pulled out my summer clothes so the weather has gone cold again, it always happens.
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I am discovering that OH never threw anything away. I have been out at the incinerator burning bank statements fom 2008. Oldest document so far uncovered was from 1999. Clothes are even older (I'm surprised I haven't found any school uniforms among them) and there seems to be about a cubic acre of them.
I never throw anything away either. Accountant said i dont need all the bank statements that I landed him with he chucked them all. We have papers going back 50 years. And as for clothes and bedding I have cupboards full. But I'm a war baby and just cannot throw anything away. Apparently my bro who died kept everything too as does my middle sis
Same here, not clothes but paperwork and a shedload of it. I winnowed out the under 7 years financial stuff and shredded the rest then 7 years later shredded the rump. Clothes not so much but enough work boots and boiler suits to equip an army.
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I just keep statements and stuff for two years. They're all online anyway if I need them, but I never have.
After a huge storm we found a dead alien on the patio!
Mr N has repaired it and it is back in its place now.
We have finally bought two new settees as ours have fallen to pieces. We bought it 2nd hand about 3 years ago. It was awful then but the young guy had a broken neck so we didn't like to say no! First new suite in my entire life! Also bought a 105cm bed for hija so had to rush out to buy bedding which fit!
lol at dead alien. nice sunny day here rab is alternately lying in the sun then coming in to cool off.
Oh happy day. A friend of Mr Ms has been up and removed the old settees and bed. Now the patio is clean and tidy and everything in its place!

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