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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
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absolutely nothing is in its place round here, neti, though I think it's improving. jno jnr is sending a cab to take me to his part of the world for lunch with him and the other grandparents. I try to tell him I could take a train, it wouldn't take much longer and would be free, but he's so worried about me these days.
Children like to fuss jno. You take the taxi and enjoy it!
Been chatting on internet to Jude. She's ok. She meet again but I'm not travelling yet so she said she may come here with a friend. Would be great!
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sis rang up from far away for a long chat this morning. She's been having the odd brain blip (she's in her late 60s) and after several months got an appointment with a neurologist, who turned out not to have even looked at her scan and sent her home to make another appointment. She says her symptoms seem to be like long covid, though she's never had covid at all. She says friends who have it all say that you should never tell doctors you've had covid if you've got any sort of complaint, as they'll just say "that's normal" and send you home. If you shut up about it they take symptoms seriously and investigate.

However, sis has learnt a lesson from OH's passing and is now busy decluttering her house, drawing up a will requiring no resuscitation, nobody to be told she's died except those who need to sign forms, and no funeral. In case her brain blip turns into dementia (which Google says it might), she's also accumulating enough pills to kill herself (she has a thousand so far, which should be enough to kill an elephant). She has no spouse or children, and I think plans to leave what little she has to nephews and nieces. Gotta admire her determination but I don't think I'll follow suit.
Your sis seems to have the right idea. I don't want a fuust funeral just a quick cremation with no one. Maybe hubby and hija if they so wish certainly no viewing as is the custom here!!
Just been to podologist and the nail was coming off anyway so he snipped it off and cleaned it. And cut all toe nails and hard skin. Was a joy. And only €40. Think I'll go regularly!!
How is everyone and Rab? Shaney long time no hear? I'm watching the trouping of the colour
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I've been at the cricket all day. Sending emails in the evening. Going to visit the jnrs on Saturday. Coffee morning with the neighbours tomorrow, that just leaves the afternoon to fill up with excitement.
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got that wrong, the jnrs visited me and we all went to Gaucho for lunch. Perhaps I should have looked at the bill before offering to pay it!
Hahaha jno yes but parents always pay!! Wow it's hot here now suddenly but not surprisingly! Am enjoyed the jubilee celebrations on TV. Especially love the Queen and Paddinton!
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kind of cool and damp here today, neti, so I don't have to go out and water anything.
How is everyone? Very hot here. I actually sunbathed for an hour. No noticeable change in skin colour anywhere!! Pool way too cold to immerse oneself! Made a quiche and burnt it. Life goes on!
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transferring your suntan to a quiche, that's new
Haha thats funny jno. Wish I could go dark quiche colour!!!
We have a heatwave ! Unbearable. Hija has been chosen to appear on Spanish TV "First Dates' so we've been shopping for a dress. That's as exciting as my news is!
Where are all the biddies?
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preparing for our own heatwave, I expect, supposed to be 33 by the end of the week and we'll be getting headlines saying "Hotter than Qaqortoq!" Still plodding on tryng to cart my inheritance off to the charity shops and get info together to apply for probate, which is far tricker than I had been told because of our international property empire. But if I let a solicitor do it it will cost thousands.

I have just taken my moussaka out of the oven and discovered I had it on defrost rather than cook, so another half hour to go.

That is the end of the news.
We've just had to pay £2000 on monies earned in UK. Thank Brexitive had a burst of energy and done aimplynliads of things including dismantling and cleaning all parts of the loo! And also chip frier. Yuk! Also washed the throw covers for the new sofas.
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sis came round this morning and together we have sorted out scarves and bags, and cleaned out the kitchen cupboards. So many jars of Zaatar, Goji Berries and Nigella Seeds and other weird stuff that were years out of date. I had to pour them all down the waste disposal and it got clogged up. Fortunately a Drain Weasel declogged it.
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tried out the Elizabeth Line today, went all the way to Maidenhead, which I'd heard was a pretty riverside town. What a dump. The trains were very quick though.
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bless my soul, I've had a cheque in the mail. Remind me what they're for?

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