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What Is Timeout On Android?

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netibiza | 16:49 Thu 04th Sep 2014 | Technology
892 Answers
I have a spanish phablet, leotec Pulsar and in the notification bar there appears a couple of timy circles which is timeout, what on earth does this mean, I have googled and read (in Spanish) the instruction manual but absolutely no clue. Thanks if anyone can help!


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Morning all Nice day ,bright and sunny earlier but turned a bit hazy now. It's not exactly heatwave temps either as they say in the papers. That Billy Connolly prog is very good.I enjoyed that. I hope it'll get better at some stage Neti.I'm a bit cheesed off it with all to be honest.
11:43 Sun 03rd Apr 2016
Morning...I was looking out yesterday evening and thought there was a look of early December. Lo and behold, it was thick with fog first thing this morning. It's clearing now... slowly.

Good luck shaney...wear a hoodie, you don't don't want those cam things spying on you.
Sad about Brian, I remember you've mentioned him several times.
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Good luck with the nurse shaney.
Just found out hija can drive car anyway.
Hospital phoned me have a kidney appointment early June. Still waiting on nose doctor.
Chilly here.
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Poor hija she was so looking forward to driving again after 4 years, but when we got home the road is full of machines and lorries blocking both ends, so we are having an enforced day at home.
Everything is blocked here too Neti since the water main burst in town .
It's horrendous as there's only one road in and out of this place.My bro took me to the surgery and we crawled along .I could have walked there quicker!
Same old with the leg ,back next week unless I'm summoned by the clinic.
Yes, Brian was PuzzlesRus.
He used to chat with us years ago and I often emailed with him about crosswords.He was a nice chap.
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wORKMEN SAID WE COULD GO OUT IN CAR, so hija drove off, now it's blooming blocked again both ends but hopefully it'll clear in a couple of hours.
How's leg shaney?
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Can someone tell me why suddenly tablet and mobile phone predict ridiculous words, ie if I type morning itll say morningtide if I dont catch it. You shane and jude get the silliest of names, so just bear with !!!
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Before it would come up with a choice of three words and I could click on the one I wanted.
Morningtide, hahaha. Does it say Good Morrow? :)

Glorious here now the fog's cleared. I should be outside but I'm so tired today, I had to drag myself to the shops.
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It would say good marrow !
It's very springlike here and looks set fair for a few days according to Accu . Light at the end of the tunnel at last.
My leg is the same Neti .Still painful and cruddy.
Haha ...that's a funny old phone .Does it say things like prithee kind sir ,my damsel's in distress.
Has it got a calculator for £ s d?

It's been a long time now shaney. No one wants to be a pesterer but I'd be ringing to enquire what the average waiting time is at the skin clinic. You never know they might have cancellations they'd like to fill.
Yes it's dragging on and on Robinia .It's only a week since she referred me to the other clinic so I'll hang on a while and see if they write or phone.I'll ask her next week if it's worth ringing the vascular dept as well as my appt there isn't until 3rd May.I'm chzd off up to the back teeth with it all.
hello all, bright and chilly here. We went out early early this morning to avoid the bottle lorry so the dogs are now sleeping in the sunshine. It was very foggy here too and forecast again tomorrow. Shaney I am with Robi. For the price of a phonecall its worth doing a bit of chasing.
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Ive been waiting 5 months to see nose specialist again, still no chance yet, have to phone on 18th to see if I can get on waiting list!!!!
Hija has managed to shout down the workmen and they stopped and allowed her to drive through and in. I told them back fifen gesicht but luckily they were spanish speaking phillipines! It just seems so appropriate to say that everywhere I go
According to the nurse I'm the perfect and patient patient .Ha!
I don't like to moan as they do their best under what are difficult circs in this climate for the NHS but I do take on board what you're saying .
I'll ring nearer the date for the hospital and if no joy by next Friday from the clinic I'll ask if she can hurry them up when I go for the next dressing.

mmmmm patient patients..... seriously the way that departments get more resources is by patient complaint!
Bing bong Shaney you have email......sorry about the next bit Shaney. I really do hope your leg gets better soon.

I daren't tell you what I've done today. Well, I have to now, don't I. Yes it was really foggy this morning but that didn't stop me and my R & R friend walking down to the castle then along by the Derwent to Derby Bus station where we had a coffee then got the bus home. We did 6 miles and we agreed we were talking that much we didn't notice. Then when I got home the sun had come out and dried the front grass enough so I cut it. Now I've had my dinner and watching 'Egg Heads' and I might just fall asleep when the football is on.

One day I'm going to leave the predictive mistakes on. That will give you a laugh I'm sure. See ya later have a good night all.
Thanks Jude .I'll give it a try.
Sounds like you had nice day. I couldn't walk all that way .I can just about stumble to the High St :)
Lol Woofy ..I'll go in all guns blazing next week .
I don't recall ever complaining but I've certainly 'negotiated' a few times.

Well I tickled about in the garden, mind was willing but my body was weak. I want to stay awake, it's the last Mr Selfridge. :(
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Oh forgot Mr Selfridge I'll have to download him as I want to watch Gogglebox

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