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What Is Timeout On Android?

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netibiza | 16:49 Thu 04th Sep 2014 | Technology
892 Answers
I have a spanish phablet, leotec Pulsar and in the notification bar there appears a couple of timy circles which is timeout, what on earth does this mean, I have googled and read (in Spanish) the instruction manual but absolutely no clue. Thanks if anyone can help!


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Morning all Nice day ,bright and sunny earlier but turned a bit hazy now. It's not exactly heatwave temps either as they say in the papers. That Billy Connolly prog is very good.I enjoyed that. I hope it'll get better at some stage Neti.I'm a bit cheesed off it with all to be honest.
11:43 Sun 03rd Apr 2016
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Ooh The Americans start on 16th. But I can't even remember the last one!
Lovely day out there so I am going to the beach for a few days. No wifi that I know of so you will just have to use your imagination to picture me frolicking in the waves and charring things on the barbie.
well jell Jno
Have a nice time frolicking Jno.We don't want to see your name in the papers though :) I'm very envious .I'd like nothing more than a dip in some nice warm sea water.
You can get a resume of The Americans on Wiki Neti.
Mr Selfridge was another tear jerker.
They've got Maigret on soon with Rowan Atkinson in the title role.I can't picture him as Maigret somehow.I hope he doesn't pull silly Mr.Bean faces.

Good morningtidemorrow...sun's trying it's best but not succeeding yet.
I frolicked off to bed early last night (I felt grotty) and watched Mr S in bed. It was very sad but I don't suppose it was all quite that way was it? Don't want to spoil it for anyone.

I quite like Rowan Atkinson but we are used to seeing him in comedy roles. I've been watching Blackadder on Dave(?) recently.

Thousands of people in the Severn Trent area have no tap water, not us but not far away. It's overloaded with chlorine and only fit to flush the loo with. ST had the nerve to take little piddling vans to supermarket carparks and hand out small bottles. Why the hell can't they get some tankers out? It makes you appreciate it anyway.
good morning all, tis bright here too but still a bit misty. I thought Rowan Atkinson was brilliant as the angel in Love Actually.
neti, your bro is on the front of the Daily mail weekend magazine!
Hello all
Nice day here,sunny but still on the chilly side .
I saw that on the news Robinia and wondered if you were affected.
Nothing much doing here .
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Hello good evening and welcome. Oh been busy today.
Woofy why is Ronnie there, what's he up too? I can't access that, can you put it on here?
Have spent hours trying to buy tickets for the ballet here in April, usually I get the first ones but they are selling like hot cakes and my internet was so slow I lost the first 2 seats I wanted, then they kept emailing the wrong ones for Summer Tour 2014 I was furious, its amazing I didnt pop off!!
Anyway sorted now
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I was sad for Mr Selfridge but it was the Dolly sisters who ruined him in real life wasn't it? A fool and his money blah blah blah
Neti its a big article about The Antiques Roadshow coming back....I will photograph the pic and post it in a bit.
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Thank you!
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I keep trying on internet but it wants to sign up!!
Neti shall I post tiny pic links on here or send the pics to you on facebook?
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Facebook would be good woofy, thank you
I go to do it now :)
done :)
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THANK you woofy, not sure I could do that! Must learn.
its easy, just click on the little camera and then choose the pic off your laptop or tablet.
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Good morning. We are all having a lie-in today.

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