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Sending Smells

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spathiphyllum | 14:07 Wed 20th Feb 2019 | Technology
26 Answers
When do you think we'll have the tech to send smells? Or do you not think we will ever be able to?


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I've often scent stuff through the post.
16:06 Wed 20th Feb 2019
I fart in your general direction!

I can already put a bottle of Chanel No 5 in the mail to you, spath
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That's true

to be honest i doubt it will happen in the near future, i can't imagine how technology would collect a scent then replicate it and send the recipe of the scent across devices, because the receiving device will then have to replicate the scent, meaning it will need to store a number of scents and chemicals
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It would get into the realms of teleportation aye
I 'll put some of my old socks in the post!. Smell is transmitted through the air . To send a smell just suck up some of the smelly air with an air pump and send it .
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I just got some 'fresh' from wales.. Was lovely!
I've often scent stuff through the post.
When the ol' factory gets its act together?
Maybe by Septum-ber?
When they put the price of postage up 100 per scent. That will create a stink.
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lol this has become quite punny
I thought I'd achieved it to my female friend who said adenoid her.
Far far away into our distant future but Mr. Donald (USA) has a lot to cmpete with, If he wants to impress me.
Yes, spath this is getting cilia by the minute.
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What would I send? Hmm,I'm pro Boss x
Could do it now if the demand was there. You'd need a standard for coding smells, and something in your PC to generate the required aroma mix. Not really much point though.
Not much point! What about advertisers showing food and drink accompanied by smell.
You want to use your bottles of scent up on ads ?
I think most will agree, no, no point.

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Sending Smells

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