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Database Not Working

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Tubbycoates | 21:19 Tue 04th Feb 2020 | Technology
7 Answers
Hi all,

I've got an old chess database, CB70, which I run on my laptop which is windows 10.

For some reason, it has suddenly stopped working.

I've tried doing a clean, and uninstalled and re-installed, but no joy.

All it does it display the first tutorial page, then nothing. It is still showing as running, but nothing is displayed.

Any ideas please?



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No, but I'll have a go !

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Tried that, still won't work.
I'm just puzzled that it has worked fine for months, and now doesn't.
I suspect that an update to W10 has rendered the software incompatible with the operating system. (Sorry!)

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I'm still puzzled. As I say, the software has worked perfectly well since I got this PC about a year ago. I was working on the DB this morning, and it was fine. Now I've tried to use it again and it either won't display, or crashes when I tried compatability mode.
That chess db might be useful, but I need something to work with my database(s).
Try uninstalling and reinstalling again but make sure that you reboot the computer in between. (Possibly even better though, do a registry clean-up with CCleaner, and then reboot, between unistalling and reinstalling). That can sometimes shift a 'sticky' reistry item that's causing a problem.
Question Author
Still won't work.

Thanks anyway.

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