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wrayperson | 22:22 Wed 14th Sep 2022 | Technology
3 Answers
I seem to have deleted most things I had on home screen..I believe there is some way to click on something & make tablet go back to 2 or 3 days ago to retrieve everything .can anyone tell me how to do this please?


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>>> I believe there is some way to click on something & make tablet go back to 2 or 3 days ago to retrieve everything

That's news to me! While there are ways to restore Android backups, they won't work unless you've created a backup in the first place.

If things are missing from your home screen though, are you sure that you've not simply swiped them out of sight? The reason I ask is that the first time I noticed that most things had disappeared from my Android home screen (on a phone, rather than a laptop, in my case) it took a while to dawn on me that I'd simply swiped to one side and was therefore looking at a largely blank area instead of the heavily-populated one that I would normally see.

So, before attempting anything that's either complex or drastic, try swiping from side to side, and/or up and down, to see if you can get things back to the way that they were.
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No not just swipe.. I'd deleted some cache to make more storage & obviously got rid of something I shouldn't have.. can't retrieve some contacts on Instagram either
Try the 'Reset app preferences' option.

Scroll down to 'Resetting app preferences' here:

There are two sets of instructions there, depending upon which version of Android your device is using. However on my Android 11 phone it's the instructions give for Android 4 to Android 7 which actually apply, rather than the ones shown for Android 8 or higher. So just go with whichever set of instructions seems to match what's on your tablet.

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