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louise jones | 22:44 Sat 20th Jan 2007 | Technology
2 Answers
Just been looking on PC World website - would a wireless 54G desktop card be better than usb adapter? Its weird that the pc in the loft gets a speed of upto 54Mbps whilst the one downstairs only 5.5Mbps.


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Is it possible to test your usb adaptor by plugging it into the other pc and connect to the internet?

If that runs slow, you'll know it's your adaptor.

It sounds like your downstairs adapter is only 802.11b standard, and not the faster .11g standard. As I said in your other question though, this shouldn't matter for the internet as both should be as fast as your internet connection is capable of anyway.

Try this: have only one of the computers on, and goto and then write down the numbers it gives you for testing the speed from the london server. Then turn that computer off and do the same thing on the other computer... get similar numbers?

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