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New operating system

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botros | 09:51 Wed 05th May 2004 | Technology
2 Answers
i recently installed 2000 on my pc. however it seems very slow. I dont have many applications on it. all i use it for is sufring the net and using office applications. I'm not very technical so please be gentle with me!!! any suggestions or easy technical advice, greatly appreciated! thanks in advance


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How is your RAM? Windows 2000 and Office 2000 require a great deal of RAM (at least 128 MB). Look at your commit charge/installed RAM ratio in the task manager (press alt + ctrl + del then on the security box select Task Manager. In Performance ensure that the Total Physical memory (K) exceeds the Total Commit Charge (K). If it doesn't then the computer is using the hard disk to "page" the memory which slows your computer right down.
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darn! I only have 64 mb ram. looks like I need to upgrade. thank you.

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