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what have I done to my Digis ma??

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woofgang | 19:57 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | Technology
506 Answers
I have a computer/digi camera problem.....all of a sudden (seemingly) about half of my beautiful hi res photos have been converted to 640 by 480 res....has anyone got any idea what i did and how to undo it please??
I transfer them from card to hard drive using the card reader slot and the cut/paste option in "my computer"


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Right jno I have chosen:


Now off to buy a lottery ticket!!

Enjoy yourself x
Barcelona - jno do you stop off at Ibiza? I'll meet you! I love Barcelona!

sorry lottie, "anoche" means last night, didn't realise I had written it, sorry, but I'll edificate you lot somehow!!!

Have just found that I have mislaid my driving licence and my Residencia, and one is not allowed to roam the streets without identification, will have to ask in the Post Office (Correos) to see if I left it there ayer (yesterday) when giroing money to mi hija (my daughter)!! There you lot, sort it!!
Are you prone to roaming the streets then Netti!! Hmmmmm.......................................
Yo soy un hombre sincero

Well actually I'm a mujer! But there you go.

Dos cafe con leche por favor (or something)


it\'s much the same as walking isn\'t it, so I do have to roam to get anywhere, errr I\'m not a \"street walker\" that is to say!!
What funny language are you talking on the Maria thread over in Media?????
I know lottie, the computer went completely strange for a minute, I did apologise.

Yay now I can roam the streets again, have found all my docs in the lining of my new handbag in a slit I made specially for the purpose, but I swear they weren't there at first, I search and searched and emptied it all out and felt around and there was nothing there, but then they appeared - really strange!!
Sounds a bit like my handbag Neti ,a bottomless pit in which I can never find anything .Time I bought a new one :)

Hope you are all fair to middling .
I'm on my knees with screaming hips too Lofty .I've had my great nephew for the last two days as it's half term and my neice has to work .I'd forgotten how hard it is to keep eleven year old boys amused .I took him to the Time and Tide musuem and Yesterdays World , he monopolised the computer and ate me out of house and home :).My brothers got him today ..good oh .He's a nice lad though and said I was "supercool " whatever that is ! .He did rake some leaves up for me in the garden though ....bless .
Dull and dreary here today .Thick fog last night ,a real pea souper and the foghorn was blasting out all night .
Just had a route march round Morries with Mr S and am now going to make some pasties .

Bon Voyage Jno ....have a lovely time .
Toodlepip for now folks .
\"supercool\" means he can run rings round you!
Hmmph. Have been to the osteopath and she says my right hip probably is near replacement time and I have some damaged discs in my lower spine. So now I have to go to the doctors anyway. Apparently it's the hip which is making my leg give way so often. I hate doctors but I must go. She says I must ask for imaging rather than xrays and see if they agree (it is more expensive!!!). I keep yelping with the pain. I just can't help it!!!

Sorry you are having hip problems Shaney.

I feel about 90 now!!!! Soon it will be buy a bungalow or get a stair lift!!! I don't want a bungalow. Damn and blast.
My villa is a bunglalow I suppose, but there are 9 steps to get to it!!!
He wouldn't dare run rings round me Neti :)
Texting his friends at the tea table got short shrift I'm afraid . But of course Mum lets him do it .I'm not his mother and he knows it !
I think it's probably because I took him somewhere he's never been before and explained things to him which ,to be fair ,my niece doesn't have the time to do .He's the youngest of three boys and also my godson .He's unloved by his paternal grandmother because he takes after our side of the family .She spoils the other two and leaves him out all the time . My niece has to tread a very fine line with her M-i-L .Not nice .So I'm quite happy to spoil him and give him my time if asked to do so . Much as it wears me out :)

Have you had a bone scan Lofty rather than an Xray ?
I get this with my hips . Last time I went about my knees he muttered about knee replacements .I've already had both knees washed out anyway and in view of my brothers knee replacement thanks ..I'll soldier on .My hips are basically buggered but not to the extent where they need replacing. The pain is rheumatoid .On the scan they show up as completely black as do various other parts of my skeleton where the arthritis is but its OA so I put up with it .
However if it's osteoporosis then the bone is crumbling and will need a replacement .My old friend Jean had a replacement due to OP when she was only fifty . No fun this arthritic lark . You really ought to go to the doctor Nag nag nag .................
Otherwise BHS latte with chocolate bits will be out of the question and you won't be able to see my new handbag or jacket :))
Good for you shaney, poor little lad how unfair. That is one thing I cannot stand is unfairness.
Shaney, I have had a bone scan and I am borderline osteoporosis!! Boohoo!!! Osteo says an MRI is really the best now. I will make an appointment but my doctor hasn't got any appointments free for a couple of weeks and I just won't go to anybody else. I am terrified of having hip replacements. Not because of the op but because of what might happen in hospitals, bugs etc.....

I don't feel very confident about walking about at the moment. Hip gave way tonight again as I was dishing up our dinner and hot bologneise nearly went over the dog!!

I knew about the new jacket, but what's this about a new handbag!!!!

Neti, I wouldn't mind your single storey old Spanish villa. Would suit me fine. What I don't want is a typical British bungalow with a neat little garden in a neat little culdesac!! It just says 'old' and 'stuffy'to me. I shall have to grow my plants in little rows and have stripes in the grass!!

Off to bed now. I must say now that the osteo did a lot to relieve the pain today and has given me some excercises which need the help of Mr LL. He's not very patient with that sort of thing!!
Did we all see jno's email from Ab? Well its obvious that jno uses bad language a lot, so they have been chosen to see if the swear word thing works - hmmmm!!
aye, by heck I'll give the blighters a darn good talking to!
morning folks...oh are you still here jno, I was going to mail you but thought you'd be gone sailing, I got one too....not sure if we should be advertising it on here so bum's the word...
Actually I want to give life good talking to, I'm ****** off with being in pain too, I've felt dreadful these past few days. Had awful chest pain & I was so hopeful it was growing pains but it's moved down into my stomach area now & I really don't need any growing pain there.
Better cook up up a cure-all...

OK you two Ed's pets. now which words have been changed in your last posts, hope they were really naughty!!
An apple a day keeps the Doctor away!!!

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