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what have I done to my Digis ma??

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woofgang | 19:57 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | Technology
506 Answers
I have a computer/digi camera problem.....all of a sudden (seemingly) about half of my beautiful hi res photos have been converted to 640 by 480 res....has anyone got any idea what i did and how to undo it please??
I transfer them from card to hard drive using the card reader slot and the cut/paste option in "my computer"


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lol that case I've only got 24 days - that's all I caught out of 100.
Neti, I censored my last post on here said p!ssed (off)
shhh Robinia.... you'll notice I was careful to edit out today's code and all mention of the secret handshake... can't have mere platinum members social climbing, you know.
I would love to have good old swear today, but I haven't got an email 'cos I'm not very special!!

I have a bad attack of the hump and I think it may linger for a while. Hope it's not catching!!!
oi jno!...who are you tellin to *** shush?!....:o)

Hi Lottie, ... just swear on here instead
Right I shall choose from here:

Now, who can I call

You Bawdy Bat-fowling Baggage!!!
morning...where is you? Been locked up for being leggless in charge of a broomstick no doubt, tut.

Plenty to cuss about, it's been raining black cats 'n dogs all bloomin morning & it hasn't got light yet. If there's one thing worse than an itchy dog it's an itchy soggy doggy.

Bon voyage jno, have a great time & well done on no longer being noomatic...stay well. Love the outfit...Matelots at Matalan is it?
Hello my little Weather Bitten Magpies ..
I love that site Lofty .I'm going to try out some of those phrases on Mr S .
" leave those tins alone you rump fed puttock " hahaaa....
Well it's doom and gloom here ,lashing with rain ,blowing a gale and generally bldy awful .
I'd better go and shove a chicken in the oven ,not that I can gather up much enthusiam ..
See you all later ..toodlepip for now
Beef-witted Barnacle of wet and windy Norfolk .
Morning all g'bye jno, have a nice trip!

Word of warning, if any of you eat paella wear multicolourd clothes, as I made a right mess of my clothes yesterday having dropped a forkful straight down my front, was so embarrassed sitting there like a mucky kid! Wouldn't have shown up if I'd been wearing a coat of many coloures!!
Afternoon Neti. Where are all the others? Probably practicing their swearing.........................
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Hi all, have just read the thread and caught up. Sorry to hear about the osteo Lottie. I haven't had a THR myself but as an ex OT, dealt with loads who had, one and all they said it was miraculous.
Was there saffron in the paella Neti? its a b to get out of clothing, the only thing that works on my worktops is milton.
Have been having loadsa fun here, hence my long absence. Floor man starts wed, was supposed to be tomorrow but its slipped a day, kitchen starts 14th dec but before then we have a plasterer coming around 15th nov and a man what does (he's a real godsend) to tidy us up and splash some paint around probably first 2 weeks of december also new 3 piece then to replace the one that succesive dogs have trashed.
NOBA I have the dentist on thurs (filling) and will be starting a course of dental implants (2) I loath the dentist even though this one is very nice, cute as a (middle aged) button with a melted chocolate voice but have decided that I loath being toothless even more.....also dear pups ears are stable on a low steroid dose (good) but he seems to have had an allergic reaction to the flea and tick spray resulting in round weeping sores on his barer bits (soooo bad) luckily they don't seem to be bothering him and vet has prescribed some soothing gel which DH will collect today.
If it looks like we are singlehandedly spending our way out of the recession, that's cos we are.
Wots all this about emails from the ED??? why aren't i honoured like this???
We will be spending the next few days out and about to keep pups from going stir crazy as the living room and hall will be being ripped up which also blocks off upstairs so catch you all next week....
hey - I've just cottoned on - there is no email from the Ed, it's a bit like the platimum membership of AB. Robi and jno are 'aving a laff!!!!
Yes woofy, saffron in the paella and all over my top, and the table and the floor, bl**dy everywhere, I very much doubt if Mr N will take me dining again!!!! Rubbed the t-shirt with Flota (a bit like your Vanish bar) and left it to soak all night, washed it today and it's fine (although looks smaller than I thought it was!!!)
morning all....Hope you're all coping with your aches 'n pains, upheavals & saffron soaked bazooms.... sorry I'm not around much to brighten your day (?!) I just don't feel much like being around anywhere at the moment...the good news is I think I know where the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is this's in Asda (well it's over in that direction)

crikey, I think that was Jude speeding by just now....
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morning all its a windy galeyy day here and I am about to start my mrs shifter routine ready for the floor men tomorrow. Great rejoicing in the woofgang household because one application of the precribed gel and 12 hours later the worst sore is now dry and healing and the others are retreating too. I suspect that i was accidently given the miracle cure ointment instead of the regular stuff...anybody want a drop :)
Robi I hope you are feeling a bit more uppish...lovely picture, I love rainbows
Morning all - Sorry you feel down Robi, we do so need your cheeryness on here, buck up old girl and feel better soon.

Hey woofy, glad the medicine is working. Once here my cat was shot in the stomach in the next village and it took him about a week to crawl home, but the vet (much nicer in those days and visited the houses) gave me some sulfur powder and it healed up in no time, have been trying to get some for me eversince (35yrs ago).

Well it's sunny and warmish with a chill in the air, absolutely perfect, wore trousers and boots and was too hot.
Good old sulphur ointment. It was just great!!

I now keep Fusiderm oinment on hand for the dogs (and me! - but don't tell the vet). Prescription onl,y but they let me have it for 'just in case reasons'. Young Meggie dog gets bitten by rats!! Glad that Pup is healing well Wolfie.

Robbie, get yourself down to the vets for some of Woofie's miracle cream. I hope you feel better soon.

I feel housebound. Driving hurts, walking hurts. Miserable, miserable day here!!!
Have to apologise for spelling sulfur in the spanish way!
I'm not in a good mood today .Went to get my hair done in the dry ,came out and it's piddling down .No brolly .Hair do... buggered.
Get home ,water dripping through the ceiling in the bedroom .I give up with this shack .After the kitchen ceiling fiasco we now have another leak .I said to Mr S. we may as well buy a tent and go and camp out on the bldy cliffs .
Washing dripping wet on the line .Mr S ........oh is it raining ? Bah .

Good luck Woofy with your improvements: )I hope it all goes well.I hear so much about kitchen fitters and how people have to wait and so on and so forth I do hope it goes well .We had a new kitchen in Wimbledon before we moved to this leaky hole .Marvellous man ,did it in under two days .I have never seen a man work like him and he did a brilliant job .Afterwards all we had to do was tiling and flooring and that was done within a week .I loved that kitchen. :(
Glad to see the woofer is improving .

Been to the doctors yet Lofty ? I've got an appointment tomorrow for my lightheadedness ,itchy skin,palpitations,puffy face and general can't be arsed feeling . Thyroid thing probably .Medication needs increasing .Or perhaps they have a rocket on prescription that I can shove somewhere :)
Oh well cheer up girls ,it'll soon be Christmas ................ and don't get me started on that fiasco....
Grumpy of Gorleston.
Why can't they have a preview thingy like we used to have ? I keep repeating myself .
Nothing new really :)
Hi All. It started off windy and wet this morning but ended up windy and bright so after Tai Chi I went for a walk for about 45 minutes.
Sorry to hear some of my Biddyfriends are feeling out of sorts. I have been there so know how it is. Hope you all get better soon The nights start drawing out again in about 8 weeks so I'm looking forward to that instead of Christmas. I expect I will get in the mood for that soon. I usually start after my son's birhtday on November 6th.
I liked the preview thingy as well Shaney. I could check that the links worked and I had spelt most words right.
I wish they would bring it back.
Not much on the box tonight so I expect I will do a bit of reading. I'm reading 'Don't Forget to Write' by Pam Hobbs. It's about her life as an evacuee during the 2nd world war
Off toimake a cuppa now see yer later 'gater(s).
Shaney, you will be pleased to know I have made an appointment!! Next Friday 13th :o( !!

Could have seen another doctor but unless it's an emergency I will only see my own GP. Now have to spend over a week worrying about going!!!

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