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what have I done to my Digis ma??

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woofgang | 19:57 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | Technology
506 Answers
I have a computer/digi camera problem.....all of a sudden (seemingly) about half of my beautiful hi res photos have been converted to 640 by 480 res....has anyone got any idea what i did and how to undo it please??
I transfer them from card to hard drive using the card reader slot and the cut/paste option in "my computer"


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Lovely sunny day here.

I have to have a blood test on 10th and then back to Endocrinology on 17th! just to be told that thyroid still isn't sorted, no doubt!!
There's always something isn't there Neti. I have to go for another blood test at the end of this month and go to see my Dr. at the beginning of Dec. Something to do with my blood sugar.
What a load of crocks we are !! and I wouldn't be without any of you!!
I was testing something!!

Speaking of Robi Lottie I wonder how she is. x
Morning I am Jude is peed off - but thanks for wondering :o). As you say there's always something & I seem to have a lot of 'somethings' & none of them pleasant. It's not always the scale of things, it's the slow drip that gets you down isn't it?
Schedule over the next fortnight....
I've got an armful of blood tests to be done...I could go today for some I s'pose, but not the fasting one, I've already had me weetypops...
the dentist (either filling or extraction - either way, ugh! )...
Charlie has to go in for an ecg at the crack of dawn to see just how bad his heart is, that'll be fun, if he doesn't have an attack on the way ther, I probably will...
And I've got an appt at the new hospital, haven't a clue where to go :o( ...
My little Grandson has been poorly & had a convulsion & went to hospital - he's ok. I've got a terminally ill neighbour one side & a terminally demanding one a couple of doors down....I feel grotty as per usual....

....apart from that everything's fluffing fantastic!!

Lottie - They can change my name to 'Robi, shoot me now, Ninia', hahaha

Bet you glad I popped in aren't you? :o)
Amen & out.

Kit, are you home yet? Hope you're ok. x
Poor Robi, don't worry about the grandchild, they often have convultions and it turns out to be nothing. As for the rest, oh dear, I just cannot go to doctor as there are so many things aching and moles that are itching that I would appear pathetic when there are really ill patients.

lovely day here, am in shorts and t-shirt (no didn't go for coffee in them as I hate older women in shorts) but am off to clear pile of algrobas (carob beans to you lot) which have steadily fallen over the last few months and was too hot to collect them, they are rotting now and smell of strawberries. Mr N has not cut the trees for a couple of years and now I am reaping the disadvantages of them! Bring on the concrete!!!!!

Wonder how Dolly is? Dolly are you there, pop in sometime old girl!!xx
Good moaning.
lovely sunny day ere and bloomin windy.Ive got to see the phisio theripisst :O)for a few times. I cant put me arm behind me hurts.(left arm)but thats nothing compared to you lot.Thank goodness me drinking arm is okay..:O)im off to buy some rockets to fire at me mates house on the hill tonight.catch yer later...whoosh>>>.ps hope you all get better soon.
Testing Again

Test complete.

Phew, I now know I am talking to you when I am talking to you!! :o)

Hi everybody.

Oh Robbie, can I come over and see you. I'll bring some custard tarts for you and we can curl up for the foreseeable future and hibernate. I have hardly left this house at all. Had a quick game in the garden with dog yesterday and stumbled which wrenched my hip. My expletives could have been heard for miles.

Fluff, Fluff Fluff, Sugar, Sugar, Sugar, *** and arseholes!!!!!

Sat on the garden seat to recover. Put the washing on the line, came in and stumbled again.

ditto lots of swearing.

Neti, my friend lives in a very small inland town in Murcia - about 20 brits in total. They had some friends to stay and the wife wore the shortest shorts imaginable for the whole week and she is well into her 60's. Also lots of skimpy frilly little tops. My poor friend was just so embarrassed, especially when she sat in a restaurant and her top totally obscured her shorts - the staff were all coming out for a look!! It's not even a holiday town!!

Only 8 days to go until doctors. Help..............................

Neighbour is up to his tricks again!!!!!!

See you soon.


(I hope that swearing device is still working for my own sake!!!)
Oh good, arseholes is allowed!!!
Good afternoon all Biddyfriends ailing and otherwise. What can I say? I hope you all recover from whatever ails you very soon. I think what ails me I just have to put with and stick to my diet and exercise. I went to a Jewellery party last night ands my friend had put on a big spread and was my mouth watering. Danish pastires, apple pie and cream, sausage rolls etc. I ended up with a miniscule bit of cheese and *** and celery and spening £25.
I'm going to a bonfire night tonight where there is a hog roast. I think I can have some of that.

Anyway Robi, Lottie, Neti, Vinny, Kit, Woofy, Dolly,Jno, Shaney (hope I've not missed anybody) I'm thinking about you all.
See yer later 'gater(s)
What about bugger it .The older I get the more I say it :)
I'm sorry to hear of all your aches pains and problems .I'm not in much better shape !
Went and had an armful of blood removed yesterday and then as it was a nice day we went into town where I bought two (yes two ) pairs of shoes and two pairs of trews . I was desperate for shoes as I'm limited to footwear with these wretched socks .
They've got the trews in chocolate brown in Marks Lofty :)
Had some chips on the market and got a couple of other things I needed but boy did my hips and knees grind and gripe .The've opened a new department store in Yarmouth and I really wanted to have a look round but I couldn't face any more walking round ,so we came home ..Had to take painkillers last night as couldn't stand it anymore .They knocked me out and I've just surfaced :)
I hope Charlie will be OK Robinia ..give him a pat from me xx
Right I'm going to fluff off and make some strong coffee which will do my palpitations the world of good Im sure :)
Keep buggering on folks xx
I knew I'd forget someone. Sorry Charlie get well soon!!
Hiya biddies and hippies, I'm home :) Arrived yesterday evening and caught up on this thread in the middle of the night. I was gonna do some moaning about my ribs (muscles) but in comparison... I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles, I really am. Here's something to cheer you all up: You know how I don't understand all of your acronyms and initialisms, but I've got this excellent online dictionary so I'm nearly always able to figure things out. It gives a number of alternative meanings and I usually end up laughing when imagining the wrong ones to be the right ones. Like, on Monday Woofy wrote NOBA in a sentence, and one of the meanings the dictionary gave was "Number of pigs born alive" - ha ha ha! (Damn, it probably hurts when they laugh...)

Everything went well, we had the most beautiful day. I'll tell you more about it but for now I've got some unpacking and washing to do, 'cos I for one am not the kind.
(Shouldn't it have been NOPBA...? Oh well... perhaps it just goes without saying we're talking pigs?)
Hi swedie, welcome back.

Has anyone noticed that Vinny and swedie always post together, ie no swedie then no vinny - hmmmmm!!

Vinny sounds like the shoulder that I had, it really hurt to try to put it behind my back and after 2 years of steroid injections (would that explain my moustache) they finally operated on it which hurt for a year, but yippee it's fine now and I can reach my back, not that I want too now!!
Sh1t Vinny we've been sussed out

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