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what have I done to my Digis ma??

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woofgang | 19:57 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | Technology
506 Answers
I have a computer/digi camera problem.....all of a sudden (seemingly) about half of my beautiful hi res photos have been converted to 640 by 480 res....has anyone got any idea what i did and how to undo it please??
I transfer them from card to hard drive using the card reader slot and the cut/paste option in "my computer"


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Have signed the Kingdom petition but had to lie and say England, but they'll probably see from my isp that it's spain!!!!
Good moaning.
Wellcome back kip.Whys everybody trying to swear...?im gonna try it....*** barstards Fluffing tunts and pricks...I cant bring meself to say the c*** word but down here everybody says tunt.And whys lofftie saying all our dazed and confuzzled...:O) you know why ive got a dodgy arm netti...kip tied the rope a bit to tight...(:O)im having some porridge with gobi berries and im of to work dodgy arm or not..catch you @ robi.cheeky booger.
hahahaha fluffing...(:O)
Dear Vinny, I don't think you need gobi berries, think thyne gob is ok on it's own!!!
Overhere the c word is a normal swear word, if in a traffic accident it's the first thing one shouts at the other driver, it also mean damn!!!
Come to think of it, it's also a greeting - Que haces coñjo - translated as What you doing c***, meaning how you going??? Strange country,but of course there are lots of us who do not use this!!
morning...whose teeth are these in this half eaten toffee apple? :o)
It's a bit post bonfire night here, damp 'n misty but there haven't been as many fireworks as usual this year (so far) and I only heard one really loud explosive one. They don't bother Charlie thankfully but I do feel for those pets & wildlife that are scared.

Haha, see you've tested the new swear filter Vinny, some words are starred out & some have funny substitutes... the C word was being changed to lady veg (!)...not sure if they've kept that. It was funny for about 5 minutes but I think that all it does is draw attention to swearing & makes people do it more...I think it would have been better to have simply starred out all swearing & then they'd have got bored & stopped doing it. They're always going to get around it by putting the letters in the wrong order anyway. Some usernames have funny (?) titles added to them so when they get a mention in an answer that's what appears.

Have you got the smell of smoke out of ya vest yet Jude? Hope you enjoyed it...someone around here was having one hell of a curry...I'll look out & see who's having trouble walking this morning ;o)
I'm glad you explained about the user names to Vinny, Robbie. I was trying to work out how to explain my postings with all your names.

I totally agree with you about the swear word substitution Robbie. It's a total waste of time. Best to go back to the ******. Totally *** idea!!

My hip feels a lot better at the moment and I can actually walk up stairs almost normally, even if it takes me all day!!
That was just Sugar with anothre 'ty' added on the end.
♫♪ look what they done to my digis ma ♫♪ haha it always reminds me of that song every time I see the title.Thanks robi,that explains it then.How come you can still say b*******d.blimey when I was a kid you would get a clip round the ear if you said bloody.:O)in spain they say what you doing c*** wonder they had a civil war..hehe.!Lofty..move your bed downstairs...(nr the drinks cabinet)problem solved..! or get one of these
http://www.guy-sports...ctures/stair_ride.jpg (:O)
Oh Vinny, I just would love one of those. I bet most all biddies would far prefer one than those awful stair lifts that go up at snails pace!!

They look such fun!!! Line up biddies............
Jävla förbannade idiot! Fan i helvete! (Just checking if they're covering Viking oaths.)

Sorry 'bout that rope Vinny, I'll bring the handcuffs the next time, he he. Actually, something very odd happened at the airport. The young woman in front of me at the security check or whatchamacallit (where they X-ray your handbags and coats) got stopped for carrying handcuffs in her handbag. I didn't hear everything she said, but it ended with " I need them for practice". The X-ray guy was struggling soo hard not to beam at her, I can still see the expression on his face, he was smiling for a minute after she left. The strange thing was, she was allowed to keep them...!

Lottie that's great, I'm happy for you. Robi when is Charlie's ecg? Jude when do you start work? Vinny there's something called "frozen shoulder", perhaps that is what you had Neti, I don't remember? (I guess in your book Vinny it goes by the name of Shoulder On The Rocks ;)
The bonfire night was a *******waste of time. Rotten fireworks which lasted about 5 minutes. And A children's entertainer who just loved to hear himself shout. was back in the house for 9.00. Wont be going next year.
Loved the biddy slide Vinny. I'm in the queue already. Actually I am still running upstairs to try and keep fit but I have saved enough money to buy a chair lift if ever I cant get up the stairs. I've vowed to sleep in my bed and not downstairs on the sofa or chaise. Apparantly that's the posh name for a corner unit with a bit on the end to put your feet on.
A quick lunch today Pasta so off to do it. See yer later 'gater(s)
Hi Kit About work. I am waiting for an induction at a school after getting my C.R.B. Certificate.
No Kit mine wasn't a frozen shoulder, mine was a muscle which wouldn't go back into whereever it was supposed to go, so in the end they hacked a bigger hole into the shoulder so the miscle went back in, although surgeon warned me that it proabably wouldn't last, touch wood it it's been 2 yrs!
d'oh, been sitting here cussing 'cos I thought Ab had gone down the chute again until I realised I'd lost my internet connection...

I always sing that song too Vinny when I see the title to this thread , hahaha...

Kit, Chas' appt at 8.30am Thurs...Think - a possible 25 mins in a taxi it depends on traffic jams with an over excited dog, although he doesn't usually come alive until 8.30ish, he needs to have 'been' & if it's a rainy day he won't even go out the door. Chuffing Ada/hell - as we say here. :o(

Sorry your bonfire night was a damp squib Jude. I expect you'll have to have flu/swine flu jabs for that job (maybe you've had them & I wasn't paying attention?)...hope you've got your surgical masks, those little darlings are bug factories don't forget! :o) Better still, make them cover their own faces...
Is old age the same as being pregnant, I've started to eat cheese with golden syrup, fried peanut butter and mashed banana sandwiches, and now croissants dunked in curry sauce. Mind you as a child all I would eat was taylor's chalk and paper!!! Get me to a nuthouse now!!!!!!!
He he he, and don't make any holes in their masks for breathing, Jude, they'll use'm to cough straight at you, the little swine that they are;-) Ouch Neti I didn't know that could happen, but it certainly feels like that's what my rib muscles are up to at the moment.

About the ceremony. There were ten of us, eleven including the "captain" of the boat. Dad and his wife led a busy social life, but he wanted only the very closest people to attend this ceremony. Below map shows Skåne (Scania), the broad black arrow is the island of Ven from where we went out. The red circle is where my Dad spent many childhood and youth years living with his beloved grandparents. Incidentally, the two blue circles are where I grew up, and the blue star is - approximately - where my eldest sister and her husband live and where I was staying:

The weather was surreal. This was on Friday; Thursday had been beautiful and sunny too (I sent a thought to you and your brother Robi) and Friday was like we had been transported into a parallel universe - warm sunshine and calm waters, glittering like you wouldn't believe. If my b-i-l hadn't taken pictures we would probably have thought it a dream by now, especially since we had SNOW the other day (the day I travelled back to Stockholm). (continued)
(continued) Dad's wife is a Catholic and was, I believe, having a very difficult time deciding between the to her way of thinking equally as peculiar alternatives of scattering the ashes or launching the urn. (There are specially manufactured sea launching urns that sink in a matter of minutes to eventually dissolve). In the last minute she chose the latter alternative, and we threw our single roses and heaps of rose petals onto the water. My eldest half-sister read a poem and we played three pieces of music (on the cd, not ourselves). I played Outward Bound by Tom Paxton. Sadly, it's not on YouTube with him, but you can hear a few seconds of it here: http://www.cdfreedom..../id/2107651/index.php

It was a glorious day. Isn't it strange how much the sun means to us? Anyhoo, here's some additional info on the island of Ven, if anyone is feeling studious tonight:,_Sweden have the most magical way of writing.You come from a beautifull country and the music was Fab.bloomin eck..jude..thnk were put you in the London jude frum derby runnuing up stairs in 2.1 minute he he.!eres a devon singer>>>>
and eres blondie with devon group muse..yo (:O) sweet dreams ..luv yer..

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