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memory stick

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fairfax | 17:56 Tue 26th Aug 2008 | Technology
7 Answers
is it possible to transfer music to a memory stick from a music centre with a hard drive and usb port .i wish then to transfert to pc to burn to cd. the pc is to far away to connect straight to it? if yes please tell me how.


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Try this guide, you won't need a memory stick, just place the music center and pc next to each other.

or one from uncle Bill with nice pics knowledgecenter/howto/FromVinyltoComputer_Step ByStep.aspx

If you don't have Audio Plus then use Audacity as the recording software, it it free to download and use
A bit of confusion here, I think.

Does your music centre have a hard drive and usb port?
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ethel yes it does but pc is upstairs and music centre down stairs.
Yes, I can see your problem but I have no knowledge of music centres with hard drives and usb ports.

Repost the question with a more specific title, and put the make and model of your music centre in the question too.

I take it that you can put your music on to the hard drive via usb? Is that how it works?
I use one of these -Jukebox-Player/dp/B0007PN1IG

A lot of mobile phones have recording facilities.....and you could blue-tooth to ur 'puter?
terambulan, fairfax would have the same problem transferring the music from the hard drive of her music centre to that, as to the pc.
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many thanks to all who answered my quesion.
my son used a memory stick and we transfered old LP,s
with great succses to CD.

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memory stick

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