F Asis:if you were able to return to factory default and it still didn't play,then at least we can now see what probably happened. Somewhere along the way your recorder started to react in a negative way to these two discs till it rejected them altogether,most likely because of the way they were formatted....'tho i've never heard of this phenomenon....it either plays them or it rejects them,and you said you had a set, 'tho you didn't say if the rest were ok or not? But from what you did say,it seems most likely that there is a fault developing in the recorder with regard to those types of discs. So beware when you buy similar ones, who knows where they originated....i've bought bad discs from reputable dealers....it can happen. I wouldn't take it back yet, if it plays all other types,as the same problem.or worse,could happen again with a new one. I would watch them on the other recorder,but i'd still want to know exactly what happened,so i would agree with Redman, and ask Toshiba. Also,i'd want to know where those discs came from!!!