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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
I've come over all headachy too, sort of like restless legs except I'm restless all over. Probably the weather.

What I probably need is to elevate my legs or something... maybe while I eat...


(They're in Tallin next month, I believe)
oh for pete's sake, why am I awake at 4.40?? No sleep at all, and I even took a sleeping pill, which I try to use as a last resort. Now even the last resorts aren't working. Oh well, maybe I'll collapse sometime around lunchtine, if I'm lucky.
jno we overlapped, I was up at 04.20 taking the dogs out. It looks like its going to be a good weather day here....time to call DH, its a dialysis day, laters all
Morning all and thanks Woofy for last night. I feel heaps better today after a night without coughing. My mood isn't very often ruled by the weather as I enjoy the rain too but maybe, just maybe, yesterdfay it was.
Must get my washing out now and get off to tai chi in a bit.
Laters 'gaters!!

P>S> I missed both episodes of Queen so I'm going to watch it on iplayer later...
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Good morning folks.

Jude, I do hope you are feeling cheerier today, it is so unlike you to be in the dumps, cheer up old bean we need your cheerfulness on here!

Poor jno, it's all this travelling upsetting your timeclock, stay nicely at home for a long while then you'll settle!

Rain has stopped, so guess fire will be almost out now. Changed all my bedding to summer weight now, and boil washing the mattress covers, ready to store until next November. Quilted cover is in the laundry awaiting collection, no more cat smells.
Morning all...
Well if I'd known you were all up & awake in the wee small hours I'd have joined you. Despite the rain & much aching I'd felt so much more cheerful yesterday (after weeks of feeling rock bottom) but twas not to last and I was awake for ages with awful stomach pains again. I think it's the IBS, the worse my body pain is the worse my insides are. I'd been weeing for England yesterday too...oh bugger.
And just to add to my misery this morning I dropped a bottle of runny, oily body lotion on my bedroom carpet...somebody shoot me now.

Hope you all feel better, less tired, etc, etc, pdq...and here's to a better day, week, month, rest of the year....eternity.
Bottoms, not bottoms...oh watevva.....,s:18&biw=987&bih=550
and just in case even that doesn't work...grrrr

You could have all gone round to my brother and watched a Jackie Chan film in the middle of the night .He's been here at the crack of dawn ( well eightish ) on his way back from Asda telling me he couldn't sleep .
Sorry you're feeling down Jude .I hope you feel better today ,you too Robinia .I feel the same as I do every day lately p&ssed off :))

I watched that thing about Egypt last night .They've discovered lost cities under the sand through satellite .I was looking forward to it but it was really boring .I turned off after an hour of computer generated images of what things may have looked like .All they seemed to do was wander round the desert looking at odd bits of stone or drive around Cairo .The only interesting bit was where they were in the top of the Great Pyramid .Failing that they seemed to sift a lot of sand and get nowhere .
Hope Mr .Woofy gets on Ok today .
Be good xx
DH is back and fine. he is anaemic but the usual treatment might not be a good idea because it might start the cancer growing again so he's going to have a transfusion on thursday. I begin to think these folk might be trustworthy.
Hi, I am back. In fact was back on Friday but computer was U/S until son sorted it yesterday. Temporary sort out and I am still having problems, but new computer being constructed for me as soon as components arrive.

Will have a cuppa and try to catch up.

See you next Christmas!!!

I am reading backwards!!

Have been suffering with dreadful IBS all holiday, which kept me in for two days. Like Robbie says, the worse my outside pains are the worse the IBS is.

Gradually feeling better, but very, very, very tired. So much for holidays!!
Still reading backwards.

Hope you get your sleep problem sorted and glad you feel happier today Jude.

I didn't realise there had been fires in Neti Land until yesterday. How dreadful, but glad things are better now.

Watched Queen for the last two evenings. Poor poor Freddie Mercury. Such a tremendous talent and not really appreciated until after his death. Amazing voice. amazing band.....................
Is your nose all better Jude? Do you remember I woke up with a spontaneous black eye a month or so ago? .................................

(I am reading through Saturday at the moment)
Oooh, here is Neti in her glam beach wear!! No need for that in Yorkshire - we had some wonderful gales which were quite something on the moors where we were staying!! (in was cold too!!!!) I was quite glad for a day in bed. Lovely cosy warm cottage!!.......................
I love those Scholl Sandals Robinia. Just up my street. Most of my sandals are toe post - I find them really comfortable..................................
I think I have sort of caught up now.

Forgive me if I have overlooked anything.

Am going out to garden for a while.

See you later

Woofgang. Hope all goes well on Thursday with Mr W.

I will be out all day Thursday. I have to be at Master LL's while he has double glazing fitted!! The pleasures of being a Mum. On Friday it is back to the solicitors yet again - so undoubtedly another migraine.
Lottie, your thread comments made me laugh...did you just pop on a comment like a post it every so often?
LOL Woofy. Reading backwards proved the best option. I then knew that I was not posting nonsense about stuff that was over and done with!!

Garden has gone mad in our absence. Megan is helping me by digging (but not in the right places)!!!

How are the dawgs?? xx

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