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Full Smoking Ban?

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sp1814 | 12:33 Sat 11th Dec 2021 | News
150 Answers
Should the UK follow New Zealand's lead and work towards a full smoking ban?

I think it's a very brave move, and personally I'd be all for it.

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naomi: "Conversely, TTT, I knew a lady who smoked all her life and died age 84. In her later years she became housebound and smoking was her only real pleasure. Would I have taken that away from her? No, I wouldn't. " - of course not, I know it can actually be more dangerous to stop after a lifetime of smoking. That's the beauty of the NZ system. existing smokers can...
12:56 Sun 12th Dec 2021
I take it you don't smoke?
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I used to.

I gave up partly because of the smoking ban implemented here. It became annoying to have to go outside when out with mates in a pub bar/restaurant.

I really appreciated the ban because it helped me give up.
Excellent idea ...I agree with you sp1814, but depends on
It's a start.
People tend to support bans of stuff they don’t do.

While smoking is clearly unhealthy and a danger, I believe people should be allowed to make their own choices, and I would not support a ban.
Maybe the will ban alcohol too?

(That went well in the USA!)
Gromit.....there not banning folks from smoking, they are banning kids from buying them.
How on earth is it going to work?

A 38 year old could be sat smoking a fag with a 35 year old mate who isn't allowed to smoke? (maybe I'm missing something)

Are kids allowed to by cigs in NZ then?
I am all for freedom of choice, that being said no doubt the public will be easily cajoled into supporting a complete ban, then when that's banned they will start on other things until we resemble North Korea
Good idea to stop young kids taking it up. I got off them 5 years ago with a vape, still use the vape now.
Don't know what the drug situation is in New Zealand, but here in the UK I would be more concerned about kids taking up hard drugs. However it don't hurt any to put some more advanced rules in place for smoking in the future. By what I've seen more younger people have already taken up vapes,so job already half done.
the mechanism they have devised is genius. I definitely think it's worth a try. What saddens me though is see school kids with those cloud generator things, why?
I'd be all for it but then I gave up around 14 years ago and I hate the smell of smoke now. Makes me heave.

Don't think it will happen or be enforced though.
it's cool innit! (and some say vaping can lead to smoking)

Why don't they go the whole hog and simply ban tobacco imports. I'm sure it would be relatively easy to police in NZ.
Yes a good move
As I have said with compulsory vaccination
Sometimes you have to protect the public from themselves
Or certainly a small section for the.benefit of others
It is a lot easier to smuggle contraband in to the UK than NZ, our neighbours are a lot closer. The black market would be more successful than it is now.
I think around 16% of over 16s smoke in the UK, compared to over 60% 60 years ago.
I think tobacco smoking will die a natural death over time due to cost, education and social pressure
It would just create a lucrative black market for smuggled fags, unless the EU followed suit.
Given the costs these days I am amazed that anyone smokes at all !
Your right barry, the cost of tobacco is now out the reach of many kids, and adults for that matter. The kids that did smoke now use a vape, and many many adults.
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No doubt there *would* be a black market but the point is to make it difficult for kids to *start* smoking.

I don't believe this is a freedom of choice matter. We don't have the freedom to chose whether or not to wear seat belts and I don't think that we should have the choice to smoke. I'd feel exactly the same if I were still smoking.

davebro - not quite the same because you can easily drink alcohol in moderation but it's extremely difficult to have the occasional cigarette. Smoking is more of a binary thing (despite what social smokers might say).
The black market for tobacco is there now and its been in operation for a long time, but being hit hard by the law along with hard drugs.

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