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Temperature in San Francisco over Xmas and New Year

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SurreyGuy | 16:24 Tue 07th Nov 2006 | Travel
61 Answers
What is it likely to be?

Will I need me winter woolies? :o)



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awww cute, feel free to bring me several back lol, hope it hasn't gone downhill since I went lol :o)
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suzy - which part of the country are you in?
not Surrey lol, about 100 miles north....geograhy isn't a strong subject but I think thats about right
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Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Well, no chance of a relationship then, but I'd be up for a holiday fling! ;o)
but I'm 73, hairy, and 23 stone the kids would never forgive me if I was away for xmas :o)
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****** - my ideal woman! :o)'re funny for a southerner :op
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Thanks :o) I have a good SOH, yes.

Ah well, I'll have to hope that American women like shy English guys travelling alone, won't I?! :o)
sense of humour and an english accent....killer qualities, you'll be fine!....theres a Ruths Chris in Washington too btw lol, 2 actually :o)
hold on!!....shy?????? SHY???? did you just suggest a holiday fling lol !!!!
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suzy, I am more out-going when hiding behind my keyboard! In person, I AM shy :o)
can I ask how old you are? nosey aren't I lol :o)
Lol, we're gonna get told off in a minute for "having a chat"
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thats a good age to be ....snap!
lol, did you really prefer me at 73? :o)
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Age is just a number!
my sentiments exactly, I don't look or feel 42....or 73 btw! :o)
Have a good time at xmas then, I'm not jealous at all....oh yes I am! Enjoy! :o)
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I neither look nor feel my age!

Thanks for your wishes.

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Temperature in San Francisco over Xmas and New Year

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