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Tuscany Villa

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VINNY100_2 | 09:43 Fri 12th Jan 2007 | Travel
508 Answers
have booked the villa cassanova for the biddys,can you get cheese on toast in the local village?caf� fran�ais. here..(:O)


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haha lol Vinny....where is netibreezer today?

ok, who's been spiking my horlicks, I can't wake up today?
I went out looking like a reject from Kiss... erm, bit of trouble with the mascara, probably not a good idea to spit in it with a mouthful of weetabix.
What's for dinner tonight? let me guess, pasta....tut! I'm gonna look like fusili soon.

(ooh I do like sophie e-bextor's new song)
Buon giorno biddies - have been to the hairdressers and all grey has gone, am now a very fetching streaked blonde (gotta look good for this posh hotel on Friday.) Am also feeling very cold. Blood tests tomorrow at 7am, then chest x-ray (blimey you don't need a magnifying glass to see them!) Am orf for a cuppa of Earl Grey (actually it's PG tips).

Hello my biddyfriends. I'm having an easy day today after yesterday's dashing about and sorting things out. Have been to Tai Chi for a relaxing morning which has helped and lunch with my younger sister at a pub called The Carpenters which we like. My Dad's funeral can't happen until Wednesday next week so we have more time than we anticipated but we are all sharing the 'things to do' list and Thursday we're having a cleaning day at my Dad's house in readiness for the wake. Any way that's enough about that.
I have just sat and listened to the Italian music Vinny lovely and relaxing. I am still reading all your posts and enjoying them. Be back again soon bye for now xx
ooh, nearly teatime... Okay, Robinia, I'll go and pick some spaghetti

PS Jude, cleaning days can be emotional - so many things full of memories - I hope it all goes well
a'noon..... good to see you with us Jude

neti I meant to ask about your luxury mr. n packing you off there alone?...erm, is it so he can have a good rummage round the closets?

oh, not freshly picked spiggy ....groan....
please make sure it's ripe this time jno....I'm not eating it if it's green.
Hi jude hope you are feeling ok? Glad you are here x
Yes Robinia I managed it through a bit of skullduggery - told Mr N that there weren't any available hostals in the area (nr daughter's flat) so he looked on internet and I told him that I'd seen this hotel and I laughed jokingly - well next minute he'd booked it - so am orf to the posh set. Have had instructions from Mr N that if I'm eating out that I mustn't have wine until back at hotel, as he knows that when I've had a drinkie poos I'll chat to the ladyboys in Las Ramblas and end up god knows where, so have promised. But hey, who need a drink to be friendly? not me!!!
Hello possums!

(Glad to see there are no casualties amongst us.) I had lots of fun with my youngest (and young) half-sister and her cousin. We told each other stories of disastrous haircuts we've had. My half-sister had one in China that almost got her boyfriend arrested: She couldn't stop crying as she left the saloon and people in the streets thought he was harassing her. (She's a tiny Asian and he's a tall Viking.) What is it with hairdressers?? She did bring a photo, but the result bore no resemblance whatsoever to the picture, and the same is true for every haircut I have. I could stand in for Elton John and no one would know the difference. That's not what I asked for!

Anyways, after the Indian restaurant we went to the cinema and saw The Queen. Prestige would have been my choice, but I must say Helen Mirren is a real mean machine, she's almost up there with Judi Dench, so it was an okay choice.

It's been reeeally cold here in Stockholm. I wear so many layers of long underpants that the other day I almost left home without my actual trousers on (felt warm enough while I was still indoors!) I had one foot down the boot before I noticed. It's a good thing, sorta, that I don't have any children - I'd be a constant embarrassment to them...
I have my slippers in the microwave right now, Kit... It's tempting to put my entire wardrobe in there before I get dressed. I loved The Queen, a very delicately done performance from Helen Mirren... did you notice when her husband grumbles about why Charles can't get a discreet mistress on the side like everyone else, just a shadow of pain passes across her face (as it is widely known that Philip does indeed have a woman on the side). A straight woman once told me that she'd been chatting with a gay male friend and they'd both agreed Helen Mirren was the only woman they'd go to bed with.
oh nice one neti...are biddies allowed all alone in posh hotels?

evening Kit...oh yes, disastrous hair has been experienced....however, I'm passable but not perfect at the moment, thanks to my current hairdresser - except she's gawn & got herself dans le club de very inconsiderate... tut!

Helen Mirren....mmm, I've never been much of a fan - is she really attractive?....I don't see it.... I think Francesca Annis is a beautiful mature lady.

Hi jno you Great Dane you. Yes I did notice that fleeting moment and found it quite painful, so that says a lot for her acting. The 'Philip' actor is 'Ruth's' new husband in Six Feet Under - do you have it in the UK? If not, get the DVDs, it's an unbelievably good television series. But the 'Charles' actor... I thought that was a caricature. / Must remember for when I meet the Queen: "It's Ma'am as in ham, not Ma'am as in farm." There, I'm ready!

The strangest thing: Ever since I fell asleep in front of an optical illusion a few pages back on the biddy thread I've been battling against this inexplicable urge to send beer to Devon (it's like a little voice in my head), but I suppose the bottles have to be opened as well so I'm practising doing it the Scandinavian way. Vinny be warned, the words your last bottle are heard in the clip - brace yourself.

Hi Robinia, you've learned to type faster! I don't know that's she's attractive - or not - but she's a good actress. And she seems to stand up for herself; I saw her as Parkinson's guest and also in BBC 60 minutes, she seems quite brave to me and I like that. You know, the I can't make you love me if you don't-braveness, that is often mistaken for aggression. (Who am I really talking about here...)
Awww that's so cute! I'll send it to my sister. My 'whole-sister', that is. Is there a word in English for that? There isn't in Swedish, but I sometimes feel the need for one. Robinia, quite a while back you posted something where some of the words were hidden and you had to click (in thin air) to make them appear. How d'you do that?
hehe, has it snapped you out of your hypnotic trance Kit?

mmm, not sure - all I can think of is that I typed in white & when you scrolled over you see the words but I don't think we can do the colours anymore.

scroll here > testing
nope - they've taken away our crayons...tut!
'testing' should have been invisible
Oh what a shame. I'll just tell it straight out then:

Question: What's the difference between E.T. and men?
Answer: E.T. phones home.

Thought you said your hotel was posh , Neti..

Gotta go, nightie night!
hahaha - lol...hope it's not sprouts for dinner.

Ha ha Kit putting me that sleeping pod would be like trying to get a cat in a basket - I couldn't get into the Scanning machine at the hospital, ask the poor nurse, she's still nursing a black eye. :-)

No I am going to be very posh and obviously cannot communicate with the biddies during my time there - even have to leave the liberty bodice at home, imagine that drying on a posh balcony!!!

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