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Tuscany Villa

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VINNY100_2 | 09:43 Fri 12th Jan 2007 | Travel
508 Answers
have booked the villa cassanova for the biddys,can you get cheese on toast in the local village?caf� fran�ais. here..(:O)


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Mornin meducks...
<please put them there chips down and pay attention>:o)
had a busy day and in the evening watched my Daughter perform at the N.D.College..she wernt half good......a modern version of cinderella. and very good it was to....short and sweet....<I cant be sitting on them boney chairs to long thankyou>anyways it was okay till they spotted me with me camcorder.....!were be having none of that in here..ey..!
I did point out to the person after that she had just robbed my future grandchildren of seeing there mum perform.I mean I was hardly going to rush orf to the west end and flog it ..tut..!anyway...boules to erm....!
Ive bin down the Ramblas in barth-alona..thats how the king of spain use to say itand them transvestites really do look like to many drinks,and you could be in all sorts of trouble...hehe..!they never fooled me...thinking back.....erm...better not go there..!
they didnt call them ladyboys back in the early seventies...erm...guess some parts musta warn away since then...(:O)
morning, a'noon, more like middle of the night....dark & piddling down.

ooh how mean Vinny have they confiscatederised your cam?......oops, I hope you didn't have neti's pole dancing on it

<letterbox rattles>

oh the evening paper has arrived, good of Vinny to arrange delivery...I'll just pick over last night's left overs while I have a read.

I say....
mighty quiet here before the banquet ... anyone seen the waiters?

G&T please
Good evening possums! I thought we were going to do some pole dancing tonight so I waited for y'all - where were you? Robinia tricked us again.

Now where's that Slapdashey, she forgot a speck of McDonald's coffee on this screen. That Aunt of yours does sound a trial, Shaney. When I was a student many many moons ago I used to work summers as a home help. One of my ladies insisted that I go down on my knees to arrange the rug fringes manually, strand by strand - no rake or comb of any kind would do. To be fair, you do want things done the way you want things done, so I can accept that - but not if you're unkind! Good thing you pulled out.

Got your email, Jude!

Vinny loves all the biddies (the collective Valentine's card, thanks) - and we love all of Vinny we do. By the by, how did the Napoli incident turn out? Swedish media often report the beginning of a story but fail to tell it to the end.

What's a terrible joint that like that doing in a nice - erm - girl like you, jno? Totter this way! (No Vinny don't get up - I said totter.)
Slapdashey ..hahaha !!! I like it !!
She isn't a trial really ....but she had a fall and it left her a bit shaken up .She accused the poor cleaning lady of short changing her with her grocery bill ...which was completely not true.So I had a tearful cleaner on the phone and a stroppy Aunt. But of course when i went round to sort this all out she asked me if I could just do this that and t'other.
I have enough t'other of my own to cope with !
But they are all friends again ....she had to apologise and that's all there is to it.
I don't think she means to be so rude ..but she is 90 and I think she is worried that she could lose control (she has always been in control) and have to go into either a home or sheltered accomodation and this is the last thing she wants .The fall reminded her ,I think, that she is not infallible .
And of course according to her I was a slapdash child and have not changed a bit !!
Actually she's right
in--fall--ible, good word shaney.

Quick question: what did one snowman say to the other snowman?
'Is it just me, or can you smell carrots too?'
Hi Shaney! I had to look 'stroppy' up (online) - and the explanation was: obstreperous. Jaysus. You people are killing me.

But I know what you're saying. I'm sure I'll be that way too - why shouldn't I, I already am...

Another one of my ladies had Alzheimer's and always asked me to clean the windows, three days a week. It was terrible, there were other things that needed to be done and she was so upset when I said that the windows were already clean.

I'm signing off now, have a nice weekend y'all!

PS. jno whatever it is that you're drinking, pour one for me - seems to be doing the trick...

Well ...if you were to meet her ....she not only thinks she is infallible but also immortal and indispensable !!
And ...she will bang her stick on the floor to reinforce her point !
My niece calls her Great Aunt Cluckbucket ! Not to her face of course ....woe betide us if we did.
Poor old girl ....she's sweet really but she is sooooo stern !.
The other day I told her she should loosen her corsets .... more stick banging ....Haha !
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Mornin.....tis cold and dark and damp....but the rains stopped.
I know Im talking to lot are all wrapped up warm in bed zzzzzzzzzzz....move over..just another 10 minutes...Pleeeeeese..! going to work in a mo....have to cover the zuperbug store in Barnstaple in the afternoon/evening..aswell...the bufferers done a bunk...means im gonna miss the footy this afty......oh...and me sons home from uni....and he's hogging me putta....bloomin students...tut..!
yep kip...the shipwrecks no more on are main news...but on the local its shed 3 more containers in the sea...rough seas...and gales.....they say there full of liberty bodices...who's gonna pinch them....fer goodness sake...
Pssst....liberty bodices going one off vinny...get 10 or no deal....!(:o)
and this barrel of rum come in!
catch you all later....just looking at the wooly this space ribena.....(O:)
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Its me again....!
Wakey..Wakey.... can I put this.....are any of you girls out there "Dogs"...or "dragons" wait...dont thwack me.....what I mean is..Im a tiger....and Im compatible with dogs and dragons..hehe..!phew...thats the first and last time I get away with saying that..hahaha
right me toast is burning...and Im trying out the Marmite Guinness"...blimey...hope they do it with Becks....(:O)
♫im a tiger a tiger♫
morning Vincent and all.....nope, I'm a horse (yep, quite apt I think)....any old nag jokes & you're history.

back in bit - just gotta sort my itinerererary for today.

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hehe (:O)
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Ooops....tis a dog and a horse...not a dragon.....right robinia...standstill fer goodness sake....havent had a ride in to you climb on....whooops..! me saddles slipped again....(:O)_
I think you're pulling my pony can't go adapting it to suit ya know! ....& who says you're a tiger then? would it be those Wooly women eh? is that why they smoke pipes? ....hahaha.
Wish I'd not read mine it's not looking very whoop-de-do for me this year. I'll just read all the sites until I find one I like.
It's the reason I like Jonathan Cainer, he's always positive.....he'd say "a large amount of money is coming your way"...the truth is "a safe is gonna fall on you from 5 storeys up" hehe

hi want to see stroppy?
swaps mrs slapdashey's microdusters for my mucky yellow ones......

"tigers teach their children by example......"
<speed dials social services>
I don't know about Tigers or Horses about Hamsters ...because I think that is what I am ...on a B. wheel which I cannot get off !!
Is there a course you can go on which teaches you to say NO to people ......nicely !!
In other words
Get it yourself
Iron it yourself
Cook it yourself
Go away ....I am reading the paper .
Sort yourself out.
Stop phoning me .

I don't want to feel needed ..I wanna be alone.. a la Greta Garbo !! At least for five minutes .
Slugs large whisky and hopes for the best .
Oh yes Vinny, I'm ever so happy to oblige: I've often been told I'm a dog! (And Chinese astrology has confirmed it.)

Maybe if you had another Tuborg...

Hi Slapdashey, I do a wicked imitation of Greta Garbo - though only her voice, I'm afraid. I vant to be alooohn... - you can hear it now, can't you? I live a two minute walk from where she went to school and a ten minute walk from where she grew up.

Good night all, I was just checking my email (insomniac.)
oh dear shaney I can teach you how to do's called self preservation. Has to be done eventually.

hi Kit I don't do impressions but I can sing off key - on purpose I mean - shuttit Vinny

oh lordy, jno's at it again

yes, yes, wey-hey fat choi to you too

<<always suspected the red ones were jno's - wish she'd stop putting them in the dolly tub with our whites....>>
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quickly hide's me red thongs..(:O)
good Evening Peeps....
blimey...looks around... must all have hangovers....!or mislaid there tomtoms...
what a grey day...mrs slocombe...erm..! whats that noise in the background.....somebody singing off key methinks...right,im orf to get some Tuborg.....
yo♫..~~::(*_*)::~~...later ...dudes
evening all... my pooter is completely pootered at home, so for a day or three you will only hear from me when I'm at work and nobody's looking... which is okay because I have nothing useful to say anyway. But if I come across any more snowman jokes you will be the first to hear about them.

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