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Tuscany Villa

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VINNY100_2 | 09:43 Fri 12th Jan 2007 | Travel
508 Answers
have booked the villa cassanova for the biddys,can you get cheese on toast in the local village?caf� fran�ais. here..(:O)


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Morning biddies - am off for blood tests - see you later.
do let us know if they find any, neti
Question Author

From a Secret Admirer....(:O)
I'm back - I've been punctured and had my top half pushed against a screen and photographed, wearing a ridiculous gown - I'm sure they do it for a laugh! Chilly day but I'm glowing - walked miles from the hospital to the bus stop to get home, then from the other bus stop to home via the Post Office to collect my post. Am shattered.
H♥ppy V♥lentines D♥y Luvvies!!

buon giorno...hope you're all in the pink today!

breakfast is served
sorry it's late, been on the phone all morning to the post office trying to locate my missing items....tut!

hahaha - lol Vinny -siete una scimmia cheeky xxx

well done neti do you have those tea-bag gowns?
No - my gown was real soft cotton with pretty flowers on it, and it was HUGE first I wore it backwards, then thought ooops not having a op hoy (today) so put it the other way round, no one said anything, but am not too sure which way it went. Tomorrow pm off to have ECG (or in Spanish EKG).

Hope all the biddies are finally out of bed (ahem!) I've bought a box of Ferrero Rochas for Valentine's day.
I've just logged onto Freecycle - it's everso good. Am thinking of setting up one in Ibiza - Barcelona has 4 contacts and no one is giving anything away! I think it's such a good idea, as overhere, anything useful but unwanted gets put by the rubbish bins, and who ever wants them takes them. We left a 3piece suite and it was gone in 10mins. I have found 3 working vacumn cleaners and lots of other things. No I am not a bag lady (baggy yes).
Have we not been sanctioned yet?
well you should be in those leggings mi dear.....

huffs on screen & wipes with sleeve....

oh sanctioned...... erm, ssshhh, I think we're better off here.
tut! slave over a hot microwave all afternoon & nobody turns up....

you're all dumped
Very nice Robinia ....but a distinct lack of chs .
Hope you are all OK ..been a bit busy Aunt is playing me up ! Her cleaning lady has walked out on her because she is so rude to her so muggins has had to rally round . Rugs have to brushed not vacuumed and sheets ironed to within an inch of their lives and I don't like sliced bread and these are the wrong teabags ......sigh .
If I see much more rain I shall scream ..I don't think it has stopped here for the last week ....well that's what it seems like.
Failing that I am still alive .....just !
sigh... have been to see a new osteopath, who thinks I have great possibilities. I washed and put on clean knickers and everything, as one must dress to impress. I foresee lots of manipulations and lots of money changing hands, but it would be nice to walk without discomfort again, as in the days of my youth. Also driven a car with wonky battery to the garage and come back with a new battery. What a day of accomplishment! And I've still got to put in a full day at the office.

Time for a little rest.
ooh, apparently this comes out this week d=178650

I shall sleep outside WH Smith to get the first copy, with me luncheon vouchers in me hand
Well at least it's not raining today for a change and is actually quite mild .I have managed to broker a Peace Treaty with Cluckbucket and her cleaner !
I cant be doing with anymore whitterings about the fact that I am slapdash .

Yes Jno I could do with some of that Elixer .....preferably in a bottle that says Jamesons on the label .
Slapdash - you mrs scrubbit I don't think so!!

Am signing off until Wednesday, unless I happen to pass a cyber cafe (and I probably will). Have just had ECG and now have little "love bits" all over me chest, now explain that to Mr N!!

All take care, and special love to jude if she pops in xx

adios byee xxx
ah, this could be what I need to paper the walls of the villa image/1146073914_ctdf5767.jpg
buona sera....
elixir? oooh I'll have some of that please so long as it tastes like delrosa. I'd bathe in the fountain of eternal youth but I don't have the energy to run around and get wet.
I'm less slapdash more slaptotter.

byee you know you've still got your slippers on? I don't suppose we'll be posh enough for you once you've sampled the high life.

mmm, I see no one made my dinner.....tut...
<scrapes burnt bits off last night's pies>

sorry Robinia, I got held up in traffic <well actually I got drunk and drove into the pond, but you know what I mean>
I say, scrummy, thank you jno....
<peers closely>.....
oh dear, you've forgotten the fries - you'll have to pop back again I hope it's not too much trouble, I'll keep your slippers warm.
oh dear, the ducks must have got them. Mallard avec frites will be on the menu.

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