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flipnflap | 18:30 Sun 09th Mar 2008 | Travel
5 Answers
how long are flights from Gatwick to Canary Islands and what will temperatures there be like in April?


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About 4 hours. Don't know what the temp is exactly but it's warm all year round. Should be lovely in April.
March to June 25-30C
4 hours to 4 hours 15 minutes .

average temperatures are in the 70s easily. anary+Islands&qsrc=6&o=322&l=dir&siteid=

D T H ?
We were in Gran Canaria for last 2 weeks in April last year and was upper 70s lower 80s with not much breeze. very very nice
It should be warm enough in April but friends of mine who were there in 2006 got really heavy rain showers at this time of year so pack an umbrella just in case!

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