@mibn2cweus (14:29 Sat)
//Comments Welcome//
Your sentences are sometimes so convoluted that I have to distil them three times to extract any meaning from them.
So, what I get from that is that, if someone is down in the dumps, nobody loves them - and I mean not just they 'feel' that to be the case but, factually, no-one is there, expressing anything of that sort to them) then it is because they are unworthy of love?
Because you seem to be saying that love only ever exists when it is reciprocal.
What if someone 'loved everybody' but nobody loved them back? Or were indifferent? Or actively hated them back?
00:15 Sun 22nd Nov 2015
I don't see how your interpretation reflects in any way what I've said.
//Love is that which ultimately makes each of us worthy of a reciprocal love from those who share our appreciation of love's inherent value, a value obtained not by altruism but rather a value we have earned and deserve by virtue of a mutual respect for and honour of the value it is. //
That one's love might not be reciprocated in the way it should, in no way makes them any less worthy of the love they possess by virtue of their recognition of and respect for its inherent value. It is the one who fails to reciprocate love who is unworthy of love.