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I'm Cheating Tonight

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Tilly2 | 20:53 Sat 19th Nov 2016 | Food & Drink
40 Answers
Oven chips, Sainsbury's Chicken in white wine pie and frozen peas. Scrummy.

.......I've had a busy day. I'll push the boat out tomorrow. Some days you just have to go with the flow.



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All eaten. That Sainsbury's chicken pie is lovely. I'm full up. :-)
Is being abroad and having fish, chips and mushy peas cheating? And a pint of the sunshine....sitting by the river......not a cloud in the blue sky.....not a whisper of breeze......bliss....... ;-)
Definitely Gness, you should be having food and drink local to the country you are in. :-)
Ubasses, I had oxtail stew too!! I had oxtail and butter beans served with rice.
Is the fish a cod, gness ?.
Sounds good Sharon.
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I'd say that was cheating too, Gness. You should be eating lobster, scallops, sardines, mussels, prawns, shrimps and oysters

Then again , we are all allowed to cheat at times. :-)
Tilly, mind that boat don't capsize, when you push it out tomorrow :-)
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I have a firm rudder, Chip. I should be ok. Thanks anyway.
I know....I know, Ubasses...and I do.....but this chap does the best batter in the world......just couldn't let that pass......
No idea, Tony......didn't think to just looked so delicious.....x

Not forgetting octopus, Tilly..... ;-)
Love oxtail soup but last time I made it the price of the oxtails was ridiculous
Question Author 'arm done, Gness
Certainly not a cheap option like it used to be Daisy.
Just to what passes for my waistline, Tilly... :-(
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That's why we ate it. It was a cheap meal. That and ox liver, cows heart, sweetbreads and pigs' brains. Offal.
No idea, Tony......didn't think to ask.......

I bet she was scared to ask ;-)
Tinned oxtail soup is soooo sweet! Ugh
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Daisy, we're on about proper oxtail, not the tinned stuff.
I get mine from the halal butchers and quite reasonable. I enjoy sucking on the bones!!
So was I!

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