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petal54 | 18:28 Tue 07th Mar 2017 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
who on here has an overly bossy sister who thinks she alwys knows best ,because she the eldest?mine is such a 1,sinse dad died,she has taken over mantle in the contro; freaks deptment.not sure she realises howbad she is.My 39 year ol step-son stomped off to Lyme Regis in a silent huff (a rare event for him,the silent bit)because the was amzed at how she talked to me.she thought I was going to sell our mum's house,which is next to ours,so keep money for myself.Easy to see how family fueds start with thinkinh some ome ment something different.
It wouldm't be so bad if she showed more interest in our mum than a 1's a fortnight+ visit.I don't work due M/S probs.
sorry for the rant


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don't worry about the rant, its what ab is for at times. sorry to hear of this dilemma. i have similar problem only not a sister, someone who takes over at every turn, i care for her but she is a pain at times.
18:33 Tue 07th Mar 2017
don't worry about the rant, its what ab is for at times.
sorry to hear of this dilemma. i have similar problem only not a sister, someone who takes over at every turn, i care for her but she is a pain at times.
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sure is,it's not as though I'm 17,am 57,have a son of 31,stayed with same bloke for 32 years or should that be he's stayed with me?
you sound as though your putting yourself down, don't it won't help.
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I must stop this,I know.OH not been to work for months,also step-son back in the fold,so am feeling penned in,will get there in the end,the only way is up!
Petal, try not to blame yourself. My sister stopped speaking to me the day after our mother died, 15 years ago. I have never found out why, although I tried and tried. I thought we used to be really close, but you never know what mothers get up to too.
Oh get it off your chest, Petal....we need to sometimes....

I have a much younger sister who's either telling us what to do in no uncertain terms or not speaking to us.....

Her contribution when we cared for Mum at home was to say she hadn't got dementia.....just lost her sense of smell and I should get that sorted......followed years later by a letter to the home telling them how to look after Mum.....

I can't honestly remember when she last saw Mum.......eight or nine years maybe......

But, like yours.....she'll turn up one day to tell us how to do it.....

Let it go over your head and don't give her any fuel if you can...... hard I know but don't make yourself down over her.....MS is enough to be dealing with.......Gx
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Chris ,guy next door,is same with his brother,it was 2 years before he knew his mother had died.mum's finances meam sis & I need to be in touch,otherwise doubt we bother each other much.I'm not assertive enough,tend to go with the flow & then flip.
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cheers folks,OH too close to tak things threw with & he gets huffier than me with my sister,not to her face though.he has 4 brothers 2 of whom detest 1 of the others,noone else sure why. sister is a cow.

So so underhanded it's barely believable.

I was really close to my dad...when he died she took over the arrangements (I wasn't in a fit state to) and she booked a double plot so I could be buried with him. At the time I thought it was nice of her but now everytime I go to visit I'm looking at my own grave. She would have done that on purpose.
I've two older sisters who I'm really close to and love to bits but they're always tring to tell me what to do. I think it stems from when I was a kid and Mum was always telling them "you two keep an eye on Paddy and don't let him get into trouble". It's O.K. when you're a kid but I'm 69 now.
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many thanks for replies,I know families are akward things & when any money's involved,sister ,being a probation officer,is used to bossing sex offenders about!getting away this W/E to see grand kids,pos to Blackpool,not been there afore!

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