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poorclare | 07:21 Sun 10th Sep 2017 | Food & Drink
9 Answers
I bought an Egg and Cress sandwich in Lild's. The use by date is the 10/09/17, is it safe enough to eat today the 10th. I don't have a good appetite (am I very poor eater) and
am afraid of another upset stomach.

Thanking you


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should be !
I would eat it. The use-by date is always a bit generous, I think. As long as it's been refrigerated, no problem.
Yes perfectly safe, it is still in it's eat by date, no problem at all.
I believe the date is inclusive. It'd be set with a degree of safety anyway. Stuff isn't programmed to suddenly go off at midnight. Should be fine, but as with all food, check first if worried.
have a sniff !
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Thank you my friends. Hope you all have a lovely Sunday.
You too Clare.. soon be crossie time ! xx
Question Author
Well I sniffed and ate my sandwich and I am still alive and feeling fine.
Working hard on the crosswords, mind you some of them are hard work.
Good luck with all the crossies
Should be OK, it isn't out of date.

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