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40th birthday

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spanner7853 | 12:32 Fri 30th Jun 2006 | Shopping & Style
5 Answers
I have a very lovely friend who is turning 40 this month and i want to buy her something really special but not too expensive. I have known her 17 years and she has had a really crappy time the last couple of years. I haven't a clue what to buy her so any input would be great. Thanks in advance


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How about a voucher for a local beauty salon. You can choose how much you want to spend and she can choose the pampering treatments. It's amazing how good even a manicure can be when you are not paying for it!
spanner7853 - a subscription to a magazine you think she might be interested in :0)
What's she into?
i have known my best friend for 20 yrs and so this year i made her a 'this is your life' book. I got a good quality black album with black pages and went off with my digital camera for a day. i took photos of her school, all the houses she ever lived at. i had photos of her kids as babies, her husband. when she got married, hospital she was born at. then put it all together in a mounted album. she wept like a baby.

you'll be surprised how much you know about her when you start to think.
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sorry I have taken so long to get back, i've been off work and my computer at home is too slow. She absolutely loves Elvis but other than 60's tack I cant get anything else that is really nice. I made her birthday card with the lyrics to her favourite Elvis song in it but I just cannot think. She doesn't go out, wear jewellry etc I want something she can keep and think of our friendship everytime she looks at it.

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40th birthday

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