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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:28 Sat 12th May 2018 | ChatterBank
146 Answers
Saturday. Rain through the night. Stopped now though, looking at the skyline it's going to be nice enough ti take my friend to the farmers market this morning. Therefore I will be away at 0730ish. If the internet doesn't decide to get stroppy again that is!

Going to make some mushroom soup today when I get back, just got a hankering for some. :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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Wasn't too bad actually it was mid day and we got straight over the bridge without any delays - mind the M11-M25 was a bit slow moving from the merging junction down to Chafford hundred but grand after that . Did Sheringham to Folkstone in 3.5 hours!
not bad.... it was mad here all day yesterday non stop traffic jams...we wont miss that at all!!
6.30pm. Water seeping down the wall in the hall, below the bathroom

and then, 8.00pm, the glass shade on the light, in the utility room, fell and smashed to smithereens on the tiled floor.
Is this the same bathroom leek that you had before and thought that you'd fixed?
Possibly, Nails.
We called an emergency plumber and when he came, he eventually found that it was a problem with the toilet. He has to order a part. Fortunately it's clean water that's seeping down the hall wall.
So, now, more repairs and decorating.

I am coping surprisingly well though. No swearing or stamping of feet. :-)
Blimey, had a bit of bad luck there tills but hopefully can now get it sorted once and for all now you know what it is.


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Good Morning Early Birds!

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