As well as the side effects mentioned in the medicine's accomanying leaflet, I found seroxat gave me a condition called Raynaud's Syndrome, which I had never had before, and never have had since after discontinuation of the drug. This is where your hands and feet become so cold they turn white and then blue. I found I couldn't often type at work my fingers were so numb and stiff. I took to holding a hikers heat pouch in one hand and typing with the other, then switching them around, and wearing gloves at work. I was given a medicine to counteract the Raynauds with made my heart beat very rapidly, made me drowsy, but did warm up my extremities for a while.
The second, rather more sinister effect seroxat had one me, was rage and violence. I found I became extremely violent when angry or in an argument, to the extent that I attempted to stab someone and am quite certain I could have killed them had they not locked themselves in a room. I know I am probably sounding like a loony now, but again I had never experienced being violent before, and it too subsided once I had discontinued use of the drug.