Law0 min ago
Are The Police Scared Of Them?
Why did the police do nothing, are that scared of the lovely law abiding travellers ?, it seems members of this community are free to do what they like with impunity.
http:// www.dai lymail. ebate/a rticle- 5850281 /ROBERT -HARDMA N-did-p olice-s top-tra vellers -destro ying-hi storic- brewery .html
Let's face it, the overriding reason why nothing was done was because of a fear of being labelled racist, although I fail to see how travellers are a 'race' - they are part of a race, the caucasian race, but they are not a race on their own. Travellers are utter scumbags without a single redeeming feature. They are human detritus.
17:10 Sat 16th Jun 2018