Friend was saying that she got a recipe from her "sista" for wheaten bread. She gave me a couple o slices from the freezer and may I say it was the nicest wheaten bread I have ever tasted. Absolutely b e a u t i f u l.
I'll tell you where I heard it first - many years ago from the movie - Colour Purple (I think) - Oprah Winfrey and another actress - called each other this - and at that time I thought it endearing.
to tell you the truth - I buy lots of wheaten bread - but this was a total winner that my future bought wheaten bread will never ever taste like this. She would give me the recipe but I could never bake it like her (she is a very good baker)
I knew sista was sister JJ, I have 5 of them and we say sistas :) Oh and I did miss the part where it was your friend's sister made the bread, thanks for that :) I skimmed through the post