My grandson is 8 3/4 yrs old. Hes got most things, so he's asked for clothes or money this Xmas. His parents and other family members have got him clothes, so he has plenty. We are determined not to give money, not at that age anyway. Any ideas out there? Spending about &50, tops.
Wright's Coal Tar Soap wouldn't work, AL....that's not dense or opaque enough but if Thatcher crawls onto the £50 note I'll gladly crunch one up and stuff it so hard into a bar of ...was trying to think of a name of a soap there when Dave looked over my shoulder and suggested a suppository if it is Thatcher..... :-)
I'll be nice and offer Camay but the note may not be useable....x
gness -coal tar soap is bright yellow and not opaque -you are thinking perhaps of Pears soap. So stop the excuses and get that £50 sent via AB Towers. :-)
Tinks....great idea. I got my kids a candy floss maker. It wasn't used that often but when their friends came round it was straight out. They loved it (we also got them a popcorn maker)
Lord there is no pleasing some folk....anyway, AL....I could only find some Wright's soap in a liquid pump thingy and I have no cling film so I've floated your £50 note in that and sent it to AB Towers as requested.........rinse it off and let me know how you get on.... :-)