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Gardening Obsession

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Patsy33 | 21:22 Fri 26th Apr 2019 | Jokes
35 Answers
My partner has threatened to move out. Said I'm obsessed with gardening. I said, "Don't beat about the bush, is this a plot to get rid of me,?"


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With fronds like that who needs anemonies?
21:56 Fri 26th Apr 2019
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To be honest, I think he's gone to pot...
Tell your little petal he is a weed and a narcissus.Life is not always a bed of roses.Uproot him and sow your wild oats elsewhere.
Odd that dogs can be trained to stop chasing sheep etc but can you train a cat to stop chasing and wantonly killing birds for the hell of it.?
How come any dog I have owned has never snagged his collar or 'accidentally' lost it?
Sorry. Wrong thread. duh. :-)
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I'm going through a rough patch, I thought, as I was cutting the grass...
Maybe you should do a runner
have you considered turning over a new leaf?
this thread needs some weeding out already....
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I think I'm throwing in the trowel...
Well you have sown the seed of discontent. :-(
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We used to have such a budding relationship..
He didn't realise what you meant when you said you were taking up fencing.
Just don't "hedge" your bets on this relationship blossoming.
Ta. Patio33. (^_*)
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I rooted out what I thought was the best! :-)

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