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Kromo; My heart reaches out to you, but why should listening to the truth be so distressing for you? If you don't like what the "ranty man" is saying, why not refute it? Why not demonstrate that the extraordinary edict by the, not-fit-for-purpose, third world dominated UN in 2000 didn't really happen, and show how it wasn't taken up by Angela Merkel allowing well over a million immigrants into the EU almost overnight, and the numbers still rising, just one consequence of which, is that there are 30,000 teaching vacancies in the German education system alone, because teachers simply can't cope with the task of dealing with children who not only do not speak the native language, but are from a completely different cultural background are are rigorously being kept like that by their families. I can give details if you wish.
But on the other hand, if it's all too much for you, please don't blame AB or me, because there are many other topics, you could try, what about Twitching & Birdwatching, but I have to warn you I am a occasional visitor there too.