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maggiebee | 19:12 Tue 30th Jul 2019 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Granddaughter (15) popped in to see me. She's now stretched out on the settee fast asleep. Either she's really tired or I'm really boring!


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Maybe she's not well?
My son does it most days. Pops in to see me after work and after 10 mins he's snoring.
When you are a teenager you need sleep ( references availaible on request)
Don't take it personally!
Just shows that she is relaxed in your company, maggie
My son is 23!!!

He only sleeps for about half hour though.
I was just going to write exact same thing Ellie!
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She stirred long enough to get a fleecy blanket to put over herself and now she's sound again!
My son does that when he goes to see my dad. You’re not boring! It’s a sign she’s happy and comfortable with you, as well tired, I guess.
Surely she feels comfortable with you
As a teenager, I used to fall asleep at the table after dinner. Put my head on my arms, and I'd be out. Now I'm amazed my mum didn't have a go at me:0

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