Dec 2019, Part of the Conservative Party, Election Manifesto , was" Free TV licence for over 75's" and" thinking about abolishing it for good," yesterday it was announced The CONS will increase the fee from april this year. Is that why they are known as the Nasty Party ?. or even the Con Party
I believe tv generally would suffer if the licence was to be scrapped. There is only so much advertising to round and there are many channels scrapping for a larger chunk of that revenue already.
And the BeeB to the mix and a lot of channels would see their advertising revenue drop.
If it is so ridiculously cheap and a veritable bargain, there can be little objection to funding it out of general taxation then, and getting rid of this odious tax and the system of persecution of the owners/residents of those addresses without a licence.
It is a lot of money to us when we don't currently pay it and only have terrestrial channels. Our daily paper has just gone up from £2 to £2.50. That is a massive increase and we shall have to cut the number we buy per week. This saddens us - a decrease in our settled life.
We don't do netflix or any other of these weird things we hear about. The BBC has announced that it is aiming at a younger audience - ergo there will be less and less for us oldies to watch. We seem to be stuck between Scylla and Charibdis. Pay more and watch less - or don't bother turning on. Fortunately we have a lot of videos, DVDs and audio tapes...… but it doesn't bode well, does it?
//Our daily paper has just gone up from £2 to £2.50. That is a massive increase...//
Yes I found out today that my Torygraph had increased by 25% (the first time I'd bought it by itself). I don't think it has increased for a while, but nonetheless. I blame this government. It wasn't in their manifesto.
We all pay tax. I don't use the primary schools, for instance, but don't begrudge paying into the kitty for the community to benefit. It seems to me society is gradually forgetting the reasons for public funding, and authorities continually finding things they can suddenly drop paying for and demand an extra charge for on top as a privately funded "extra" service.
maggiebee, you know nothing about me - and you might be surprised if you did - but you're right. I have never lived on benefits. Something to do with a dirty four-letter word - WORK.
// believe tv generally would suffer if the licence was to be scrapped. There is only so much advertising to round and there are many channels scrapping for a larger chunk of that revenue already. //
in a situation where advertisers were to bid for slots in BBC programmes, it would be interesting to see if the advertisers agreed with the BBC schedulers that programmes about cookery, antiques and moving house are as popular as seems to be the case.....