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Any Plumbers About?

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ladybirder | 11:06 Thu 09th Apr 2020 | How it Works
32 Answers
Help needed from the Builder or a plumber please.
The problem is the sound of dripping, sometimes gurgling, water from the wall behind my shower (which is over my bath) but no signs of water anywhere, or damp, and no water under my bath. This started about a 4/5 weeks ago. Then two weeks ago my boiler made some horrendous noises for a few minutes and stopped working. Called plumber out which not happy about as self isolating and had to have a new boiler installed. Plumber thought the trickling water was coming from above flat/flats after finding under the bath was dry. The water noise stopped for 3 days after boiler installed but then started again and it's driving me crazy. I can hear it all over my small flat but the lady above me can't hear a thing, or the top one above her. Lady above says she has a dripping toilet cistern and will get a plumber in. I asked her to turn off her water for an hour to see if it stopped, she did and it didn't stop.
I asked my plumber why he thought it was coming from above when it had stopped for 3 days after the new boiler was installed. Coincidence? He didn't/couldn't answer me.
In different circumstances I would get another plumber in but as I am on the highly vulnerable list that is something I am trying to avoid.
Any suggestions from anyone who knows about these things please?


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I wouldn't have thought you would hear a drip in the soil stack all over the flat.
How many flats are above yours, Ladybirder?
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Two Roy. I'm GF.
No idea what a soil stack is or where it is located. Never ever in all my long years have I ever ever needed to know this Roy LOL.
To answer Roy, I know it seems improbable, but a drip from two floors up can often be heard in a quiet flat.
At night, I can hear rain dripping onto my outside window sill... even with triple glazing.

Not that we can be sure that this is the answer..........

But, LB, most definitely needs to be investigated by the Management. As with the roof, or the outside walls, this should come under the heading "Fabric of the Building." I say "should" because, in my opinion, although this drainage is internal, it is not actually within your flat. It's between the flat and the outside walls.
IF this is the problem, be prepared for possible argument over this. It may depend on the wording of your lease.

I think it's well worth pursuing with them Ladybirder.
It also may be a simple fix. If the waste water is backing up from the main sewer to the soil pipe, then the outside inspection cover for that sewer should be lifted and checked for blockage, I believe that your local water authority is responsible for looking at this now, and unblocking.
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OMG love the avatar tc. Can I borrow the bucket please LOL.
I'll ask the guy who lives in the flat that has the inspection lid in the garden, if he'll try and have a look. He's fastidious, I don't think he'll be happy. But I can only ask. If it is, then I'll get our management company to deal with it. And if isn't, I will also get the Management Company to deal with it as I agree it should come under Fabric of the Building. Pity it's Easter. I'll let you know if the guy agrees to life the cover and if so what the result is. Thank you again everyone. I'm still puzzled why it stopped for three days after the boiler was installed??? Big THANK YOU.
Hi Ladybirder,
Had a similar problem a few years ago. Having excluded aliens and other unwanted intruders,I decided it had to be a partial blockage. The waste pipe serves all the toilets in a four storey block. The factor ,managing agent, got a plumber to rod the drain. From outside somewhere. Problem solved.
Sometimes I hear sounds and wonder what on Earth the guys upstairs are sending does the toilet. Hope that helps.
21.22 My avatar is the B&Q value range bog :0)
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Got somebody doing just that thank you arabbadot. Fingers crossed:-)

Suits you teacake. Ducks and runs!
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