Motoring1 min ago
Are You Affected?
https:/ /news.s story/c oronavi rus-sep arate-h ousehol ds-bann ed-from -meetin g-up-in -greate r-manch ester-e ast-lan cashire -and-pa rts-of- west-yo rkshire -120394 73
Today is the start of Eid , what will it mean to those communities ? It's going to be very hard for everyone
Today is the start of Eid , what will it mean to those communities ? It's going to be very hard for everyone
Not affected, but I am annoyed by this. As I wrote on Naomi's thread, unless hospital admissions or deaths have increased alarmingly (which doesn't appear to be happening), then why are people being "locked up" in their homes again? An increase in positive Covid tests doesn't necessarily mean more people are infected just that more are known about. The...
11:36 Fri 31st Jul 2020
The Daily Mail reported on the 100 mourners at the funeral, and had a photograph - which showed just 7 mourners.
https:/ /i.dail ymail.c /2020/0 4/03/09 /267616 34-8183 617-ima ge-a-1_ 1585901 692715. jpg