Jackthehat, par for the course from Goodlife.
Goodlife, I’m aware of all of that - not that I believe all of that. It is all hearsay. That said, I do think Jesus, the man, existed but the difference between the faithful and people like me is that I ask ‘Why?’ - something the believer never does, preferring instead to cling to anything he thinks might be useful in supporting his fervent hopes - as you do.
Does it never occur to you to ask why no one took the trouble to record the most incredible event in the history of the world? Jesus was surrounded by an assortment of people, some of them wealthy and educated, and quite capable of putting pen to paper, so to speak, so why?
By the way, you shouldn’t set too much store by Islam’s accounts as evidence of Jesus’ existence. Mohammed was a canny old merchant who put Judaic, Christian, and Greek writings to good use - apart from when he copied from the Greeks some of the allegedly astonishing science the Koran contains unaware that what he was copying was inaccurate. He was a plagiarist and therefore in the search for the real Jesus his accounts may be dismissed.