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Deal Or No Deal

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gulliver1 | 18:11 Wed 28th Oct 2020 | Current Affairs
15 Answers
Boris will cave in over Brexit in the next few weeks. Then try to sell it as his own Original plan.
He is not going to risk Career Terminating Consequences of no deal . It's all a game to him.


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//It's all a game to him.
//Not dissimilar to your attitude to Answerbank it seems.
Not a TV show I watched.
i read the other day, though it was via someone else mobile phone, that he will quit in the spring anyway, if so, you can then have someone else to rail at?
The only career terminating consequence would be a cave in.
He needs to ensure that whatever is agreed doesn't cross the UK red lines. It bears reiterating, no-deal is better than a bad deal.
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18.15 , And you think you are the Quiz Master.
The Government is corrupt. If no deal is what's best for them and their cronies, then no deal we shall have.
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18.49, Think there will be deep regrets next year , if so Ellipsis
Many genuine regrets, and some fake ones.
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brexit happened already gully.
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20.23 TGT, It ain't even started yet . wait until next year.
Not only started and done, the transition period is almost done also.
I have moved this thread into the category "Current Affairs". It's important to keep ChatterBank clear of political discussion.

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